Russia Timeline

  • 1924 BCE

    Death of Lenin

    Death of Lenin
    He died for a disease
  • 1924 BCE

    Estabilisshed de USSR

    Estabilisshed de USSR
    Each republic had a government but they all had to be co
    mmunist, and the system was run
    centrally by the Politburo
  • 1921 BCE

    The Bolsheviks finally won the Civil War

    The  Bolsheviks finally won the Civil War
    The Bolsheviks expected communist revolutions to br
    eak out all over Europe.
  • 1918 BCE

    Russia was divided into two factions

    Russia was divided into two factions
    White Russians:. The counterrevolutionary elements,
    The Red Army. At the beginning of the civil war Len
    in asked Leon Trotsky, a young
    Bolshevik leader, to create a new army from the Red
    Guards, an army of workers
  • 1917 BCE

    Russia suffered the impacts of the First World War

    Russia suffered the impacts of the First World War
    There were poverty, hungry. People wanted to left the war
  • 1917 BCE

    Riots broke out in Petrograd

    Riots broke out in Petrograd
    The poverty, the inequality and the hungry caused the riots
  • 1917 BCE

    A new wave of strikes and demonstrations

    A new wave of strikes and demonstrations
    The problems caused very social and economic havocs.
  • 1916 BCE

    The Tsar himself took control of the army

    The Tsar himself took  control of the army
    This was his biggest mistake.
    From this moment on, everybody blamed
    him for the continuous and bloody defeats
  • 1914 BCE

    Russia join in First World War

    Russia join in First World War
    Joined in the war to defend Serbia
  • 1905 BCE

    Defeat in a war with Japan

    Defeat in a war with Japan
    Rebellion broke out, after troops fired on
    striking workers in the capital, St.