Roman end topic test

  • 509 BCE

    roman republic

    The birth of the roman republic by defeating the Etruscan king
  • 476 BCE

    fall of rome

    Rome became weak because it fell apart and that's why the Germans could defeat them.
  • 202 BCE


  • 60 BCE


    The start of the triumvirate with Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey
  • 59 BCE

    Caesar the consul

    Caesar becomes the consul of Rome
  • 58 BCE


    Caesar conquered Gaul and invaded Brittan
  • 49 BCE

    Civil war

    Caesar doesn't support Pompey with his army which causes the civil war.
  • 44 BCE


    Caesar became the dictator of Rome "forever"
  • 42 BCE


  • 27 BCE

    end of republic

    Augustus became a emperor
  • Period: 27 BCE to 14


    most successful leaders who led the transformation of Rome from a republic to an empire.
  • 753

    foundation of Rome

    Rome was founded by two brothers Romulus and Remus