Road to Revolution

  • Stamp Act

    This act basically said, Hey if you use a printed peice of paper you have to pay taxes
  • Quartering Act

    This act is saying, you are is now the soldiers house, you have to feed them, you have to give up your bed if you don't have an extra one, you have to feed them all for free
  • Townshend Acts

    The townshed acts were multiple acts passed by the british relating to british colonies, all of these acts were the events that led to the American revolution, the acts imposed duties on glass, lead, paints and other things of that nature.
  • Declatory act

    This act basically repealed the stamp act, this acts said that the parliamant of Britain and America was the same the power was about the same, so the British were going to pass laws that were binding in America.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    The declaration of Independence was signed July 4th 1776, the document is a document decalring that we are no longer affiliated with the British