
Rise of Hitler

By Eyang
  • Start and beliefs of the National Socialist Worker’s Party (NSDAP/Nazis)

    Start and beliefs of the National Socialist Worker’s Party (NSDAP/Nazis)
    NSDAP or the Nazis was a political party was a party that pushed towards nationalism and the hate for the Jews (anti-Jewish).
  • Hitler assumes control of the Nazis

    In 1921 Hitler declared himself as the leader of the Nazis, in which called the ¨Brownshirts¨. After Hitlers trail release in 1924 he pledged to make the Nazis a legitimate group/party.
  • Nazis gain support with various groups

    The idea of the Nazis became more popular in 1928 within the farmers, small business owns, and middle class people.
  • Great Depression and Impact for Nazis

    The Great Depression led to the German voters look forward the Nazi Party and Hitler. After 11 months into the Great Depression the Nazi Party was able to win the election.
  • The Chancellor Deal

    President Paul von Hindenburg agreed with chancellorship to let Hitler form the government.
  • Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    Hitler's move to power lead to him destroying the Reichstag building in Berlin on fire.
  • Concentration Camps Opening

    Start of construction of the concentration camps ordered by Hitler.
  • The Enabling Act

    This act let Hitler govern with no need of the Reichstag.
  • Hindenburg’s Death and the Aftermath

    After Hindenburg's death Hitler takes control of the government.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler introduced the draft and the 4 year plan.
  • Anschluss-Austrian Takeover

    Hitler orders Germany to go back into Rhineland.
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement
    Chamberlain agrees to Hitler demand and Hitler said in the agreement that the Nazis would over take Sudetenland.