Risa Yamada

By molnar
  • Marxist Split

  • Bloody Sunday

    Another revolt took place. Worker wanted better working condition, more freedom, and an elected national assembly.The czar's soldiers fired on the croewd and killed hundreds of wokers.
  • Creation of the Duma

    After Bloody Sunday, Russian workers refused to work.
    Peasants attacked the nobles and burned their estates. The czar promised to give the people more freedom if they would stop the violence.He even agreed to the election of a Duma.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

    Ferdinand and Sophie, his wife, were killed as they rode through the streets of Sarajevo.
  • WWI begins

    Millions of soldiers marched eagerly to battle.They thpught they would be home by Christmas. But Christmas came and went and still they fought.
  • Russian Civil war

  • Lenin returns

    Germany shipped Lenin back to Russia from Switzerland
  • November Revolution

  • WWI ends

  • Treaty of Versailles is signed