Renaissance Timeline K.H.1

  • Period: 1095 to 1292

    The Crusades

    Western Europe had appeared as a significant power in its own right. It was really a religious war between Christians and Muslims. The end of the 11th century, Western Europe has a significant power on its own right.
  • Oct 21, 1096

    Battle of Civetot 1096

    The Battle of Civetot was a fight between the Seljuk of the Sultanate of Rum and the Cursades.
  • Oct 20, 1098

    Siege of Antioch 1097

    The Crusades decided to seek through of the city and laid Siege.
  • 1148

    Battle of Hattin

    The fight was fought between the Ayyubid forces. It could also be known as a Horn of Hattin due to a shape, near by an extinct volcano.
  • 1347

    Where the black death spread first?

    In 1347, The Black Death moves over to China and Central Asia
  • Period: 1347 to 1353

    Black Death

    The Black Death was a pandemic which moved around everywhere, mostly Europe. It spread so fast that it estimated to 25-30 million people that have died. People have thought it came from Gods punishment but it actually came from animals by the flees and rats parasites.
  • 1350

    Who avoided the plague?

    1350, Scotland have avoided the plague and hopes to take advantage of English weakness.
  • 1353

    When did the plague fade?

    In 1353, the black death fades, leaving a bunch of people dead.
  • Period: 1400 to 1495

    Early Renaissance

    Humanism and Classical Roman and Greek art. It happened in Italy. It was a period in the Europe History that built a bridge between art and people.
  • 1403

    The Rise of Rome and the de Medici Family

    Around the 15th century, Leonardo Bruni offer his Panegyric to the City of Florence for freedom of speech.
  • Period: 1490 to 1527

    High Renaissance

  • Period: Oct 31, 1517 to 1555

    Protestant Reformation

  • Period: 1520 to 1527

    Late Renaissance