The church in the Early Middle Ages

By lwalsh2
  • 32

    32CE Pentacost

    The Pentacost is the birthday of the church. This event was created when God sent the Holy Spirit down on Earth to his follows.
  • 37

    St Paul 37-67 CE

    St Paul got a calling from God. After he travelled and spread the word of God.
  • 54

    Emperor Nero 54-68CE

    Emperor Nero had a negative effect on the Christian religion. He was not fair to Christians and did not treat them respectfully. During his reign he killed many Christians.
  • 57

    Early Christian worship up to 300CE

  • 312

    Emperor Contantine 312CE

    Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. Emperor Constantine changed the Roman Empire to Christianity. He had a huge role in the growth of Christianity. And is a mover and a shaker.
  • 480

    St Benedict

    St Bendict was born 480CE. St Bendedict was disheartened by the behaviour of people towards the Church and the God so he became a hermit. After time people started to come to Benedict for advice. After time he became a founder of the Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino and father of Western monastic.
  • 520

    Irish monks 520CE

    The Irish monks followed around St. Benedict.
  • 521

    Saint Columba 521-597

    Saint Columba is most known for spreading Christianity through Scotland. He was a missionary and a mover and a shaker of the Christian religion.
  • Dec 24, 1095

    Crusades 1095-1291CE

    The crusades were a series of religious wars between the Christians, Jews and Muslims.
  • Dec 24, 1181

    St. Fansis of Assisi

    St Fransis was born in the year 11811CE. St Francis abanded his life of relaxing and luxtury for a committed life in Christianity. He says that he got a calling from God telling him to live in poverty and to rebuild the Christian Religion.
  • Dec 24, 1340

    The plague (black death)

    When the plague arrived, people automatically believed it was some punishment for they're sin. People and followers of God started loosing faith in the Church after they could not help. This was a negative impact on the Christian religion.
  • Dec 24, 1347

    Saint catherine of siena 1347- 1380CE

    St Catherine of Siena was born 1347CE. Catherine often visited hospitals and the homes for the poor. She attracted follows to help her in her mission. St. Catherine was then drawn to travelling and then called for reform of the Church. Catherine helped people to confess their love for God.
  • Dec 24, 1440

    Printing press 1440CE

    The printing press was invented in 1440CE. The printing press allows people to share information quickly and in huge numbers. The printing press allowed people to share the bible and to translate it into other languages easier. It affected our culture and our society.
  • Dec 24, 1478

    Thomas More

    Thomas More was born 1478CE. Thomas More was not afraid to speak up about he believed in.
  • Dec 24, 1490

    Ignatous Layola 1490- 1556

    Influences people in spiritual direction- he taught people about God and how to follow in Jesus’ footsteps
    Devoted his life to working for God
  • Dec 24, 1517

    The reformation 1517CE