Period 5 Timeline

  • James Watt perfects the Steam Engine

    James Watt was a Scottish engineer who improved the efficiency of the steam engine. The steam engine was then adopted for many new uses. He also introduced the word horsepower.
  • Toussaint Louverture

    Toussaint Louverture was the Haitian Revolutionary leader. He emancipated the slaves and was appointed governor of France soon after.
  • King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI was the French king that reigned from 1774 to 1792. He tried to bring about a reform in France that showed the Enlightenment ideas.
  • American Revolution

    From 1775- 1782, the American Revolution was happening. This was a fight to have freedom from British control by the colonies. They were eventually successful.
  • Spinning Mule Developed

    The spinning mule was developed in 1779. It was a spinning machine that produced yarn on spindles. It was invented by Samuel Crompton.
  • Simon Bolivar

    Simon was a Venezuean patriot and statesman. He was known a The Liberator. He was known for driving people out of South America. Bolivia is now named after him.
  • French Revolution

    The Frech Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799. It consisted of the overthrow of the monarchy. Robespierre and Napoleon were some big players in the French Revolution.
  • Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution lasted from 1791 to 1803. It was a slave revolt against the French. Francios Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture organized a small military group. This was the first successful slave revolt in history.
  • Cotton Gin developed

    The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. It was used as a combination of a wire screen and small wire hooks to pull the cotton through.
  • Reign of Napoleon

    Napoleon reigned from 1804 to 1815. He joined a group that overthrew the Directory and claimed himself emperor. He was exiled twice.
  • Wars of Independence in Latin America

    The wars of independence in Latin America were a series of revolutions that took place i Latin America and resulted in the creation of independent countries.
  • Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was held between 1814 and 1815. It was an international conference to agree upon the settlement of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Unification of Italy

    The Unification of Italy happened between 1815 and 1871. The unification of Italy began with the Congress of Vienna and the end of Napoleon's rule and ends with Rome becoming the capital of Italy.
  • War of Greek Independence

    The Greeks wanted independence from the Ottoman Empire. There was a secret alliance that was formed called the Filiki Eteria. They planned to liberate Greece.
  • Meiji Restoration

    The Meiji Restoration was the period when Japan was ruled by the emperor Meiji Tenno, marked by the modernization and westernization of the country.
  • Opium War

    The Opium Wars were a series of wars that happened between Britain and China regarding the question of trading rights.
  • Communist Manifesto published.

    This work was published in 1848 by Karl Marx. This writing analyzes the bourgesie class and how they were involved.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion lasted form 1850 to 1864. This rebellion was an uprising against the Qing dynasty in China.
  • Bessemer process developed

    The Bessemer process was discovered by William Kelly. It was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel from molten pig iron to the open hearth furnace.
  • Crimean War

    The Crimean War was between Russia and the alliance of Great Britain, France, Sardinia, and Turkey. The allies ended up capturing the fortress from Russia.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    The Sepoy Rebellion was an anti-imperialist movement. This rebllion took place to get rid of British control ver 2/3 of Inida.
  • Suez Canal

    The Suez Canal was constructed between 1859 and 1869 by Ferdinand de Lesseps. He also created the Panama Canal. It connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea.
  • Origin of the Species published

    The Origin of the Species was ppublished on November 24, 1859. It was a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin that is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.
  • Emancipation of Russian serfs

    The emancipation of Russian serfs was a mission to abolish serfdom. More than 23 million people recieved liberty due to this emancipation.
  • Henry Ford and the Assembly Line

    Henry Ford was an industrialist who founded Ford Motor Company. He also sponsored the assembly line. The building of the cars allowed for the use of the assembly line.
  • Unification of Germany

    Princes of the German States gathered at the Versailles Palace's Hall of Mirrors in France to proclaim Wilhelm of Prussia as Emperor Wilhelm of the German Empire after the French capitulation in the Franco-Prussian War.
  • Panama Canal

    The creation of the Panama Canal was started by Ferdinand de Lesseps. It was abandoned for a couple of years and then eventually finished by the US.
  • Berlin West Africa Conference

    The Berlin Conference was known for dividing up the continent between the Western powers.
  • Indian National Congress founded

    The Indian National Congrerss was founded in 1885. They supported the idea that a small territory could come together to form a single state.
  • Boer War

    From about 1899 to 1902, the Boer War was in session. This War happened in Saouth Africa. Britain takes SOuth Africa from the Dutch and brings it into the British Empire.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebllion took place in China. This rebellion along with one other tried to force foreigners out of the country.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War lasted from 1904-1905. This war was caused because of territorial disputes in Manchuria and Korea.