
  • Holocaust

    Jews had a ton of power of Germany and the Nazi's was that they believed the germans were "racially superior" and allien threat to their racial community
  • Israeli Statehood

    Israeli Statehood
    British ended WW2 and it was becoming untendable, located in Palestine. British Mandate Authority rejected proposal, because such immigration was impossible armed organization
  • Partition of Palestine (1947)

    Partition of Palestine (1947)
    Jewish fighters expelled British and lost too jews near Golan Heights. 1947 Arabs rejeted resolustion on partition & UN's authority to that regard. Israel accedes to Palestinians because of Arabs terroists.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    In Israel there was over 270 border incidents caused by rising concerns
  • (1972)Olympic Games

    (1972)Olympic Games
    Five Arabs terrorist have invaded the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    During 1973 Egypt and Syria had tooken advantage of Israel and attacked with their anti-aircraft missile system on the day of Atonement
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Israel and Egypt both signed an agreement. and US, Israel and Egypts Presients all negotiated the Camp David Accords during and for the government retreat.
  • Intifada

    the West Bank and Gaza is against Irsael and is uprising their population and it wasnt started by the PLO leadership
  • 1982 War

    1982 War
    Israel had launched a massive attack in 1982 on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to destroy all military bases
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    Israel and the PLO signed the "Declaration of Principle of Interim Self-Government Agreement" also called as the "Oslo Accords". which was signed in Washingtion Ceremony help by Bill Clinton