Ottoman Empire Military

  • Ottoman sues for peace and forced to sign Treaty of San Stefano

    The rebellion of Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria in 1875 leads to a war with Russia, Ottoman Empire then sues and makes Serbia, Romania, and Montenegro independent countries.
  • Russia-Turkish War Begins

    There was a conflict with Ottoman Empire and Eastern Orthodox alliance of Balkan countries and Russian empire. As a result of these wars, Russia expanded its borders because of its victory, This came along with teh treaties of Berlin and San Stefano which dealt with the affairs of eastern settlements allowing Russia to expand.
  • Turk Revolution establishes constitutional rule

    Young Turk Revolution establishes constitutional rule, but degenerates into military dictatorship during First World War, where Ottoman Empire fights in alliance with Germany, Austria,and Hungary.
  • Ottoman Air Force Founded

  • The Second Balkan War Occurs

    Turkey declares war on Bulgaria, due to Bulgaria attacking Serbia and Greece.
  • Reconnaissance Training Program

    World's first Reconnaissnace Training Program was activated by the Air Academy.
  • Ottoman Empire declares an Islamic holy war

    On this date in Constantinople, the religious leader declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the government, urging Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, and Montenegro in World War one.