Nationalism in India and Southest Asia

  • Congress party 1885

    Congress party 1885
    National Congress or congress party i sone of the two major political parties in india. It was from December 28-31 in the year of 1885.
  • Muslim Leauge

    Muslim Leauge
    Division Between hindus and muslims, they found common ground. They shared the heritage of british rule and a understanding of democratic ideals, bothe groups worked toward british independence
  • Indian Troops Returning

    Indian Troops Returning
    Indian troops returned home from war. They expected britaim to fullfill it promise. They were treated again as second class.
  • Rowalatt Acts

    Rowalatt Acts
    Laws allowed the government to jail protesters without trial for as long as two years.
  • Amristare Massacre

    Amristare Massacre
    To protest the Rowlatt Acts, around 10,000 Hindus and Muslims flocked to Amristar, a major city in the Punjab, in the spring of 1919.
  • Turkey becomes a republic

    Turkey becomes a republic
    The ottoman empire was forced to give all its territories expet turkey. Greek soldier invaded turkey and threatend to conquer it, the turkish sultans were powerless to stop greeks. Mustafa Kemal brilliant commander ld turkish nationalist to fighting back greeks and their british backers.
  • Salt march

    Salt march
    Ghandhi and his followers walked about 240 miles to seacoast. There they began to make their own salt by collecting seawater and letting it evaporate.
  • Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Ibn Saud a member of a once-powerful Arabian family, began a succesful campaign to unify Arabia. In 1932, he named the new kingdom Saudi Arabia after his family.
  • Persia changed to traditional name Iran

    Persia changed to traditional name Iran
    In 1935, Reza Shah Pahlavi changed the name of the country from the greek name persia to the traditional name Iran.
  • Mustafa Kemal Death

    Mustafa Kemal Death
    Kemal died in 1938. From his leadership, Turkey gained a nw sense of its national identity. His influence was so strong that the Turkish people gave him the name Ataturk. "Father of the Turks" it meant.