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  • The Start of Napoleon's Career

    The Start of Napoleon's Career
    Napoleon started his military career when he became a second lieutenant in a garrisoned artillery unit. He fought for 3 years with the Corsican against the French.
  • Toulon

    Napoleon pushed the British out of the Toulon port and captured it. He then became a general and was in command of the the French military artillery within Italy
  • The Royalists Flee

    The Royalists Flee
    Royalists were trying to take over Paris and regain power, but Napoleon forced them to flee by shooting artillery into the crowd. He was then given the honor of defending the French interior, at age 26.
  • Control in Italy

    Control in Italy
    Napoleon was in charge of the French forces that were invading Italy. Even with minimal supplies, Napoleon turned each disadvantage into a strength. His victories against Austrians and Italians kept France's borders secure and gained more land for France.
  • Control in Egypt

    Control in Egypt
    He was able to defeat Egypt's ottoman defenders and now had more control over more land in Egypt. But his fleet was destroyed by the British
  • Coup D'Etat

    Coup D'Etat
    In November, Napoleon's supporters forced a transfer of power from the government to Napoleon
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Wars

    The Napoleonic Wars was a series of conflicts between the allies and Napoleon's France
  • The Plebiscite

    Napoleon submitted a plebiscite to the voters, asking if they want to declare France and empire. He wanted his power to be permanent and hereditary.
  • The Continental System

    The Continental System
    It was a policy Napoleon created against Great Britain to paralyze them by destroying their commerce.
  • The Battle Leipzig

    The Battle Leipzig
    Napoleon's forces faces a defeat when Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden combined forces. He renounces the throne and is sent to the Mediterranean island of Elba
  • Period: to

    The Hundred Days

    It is also known as the War of the Seventh Coalition. This marked the time between when Napoleon returned from the island of Elba (he was in exile there), when he took back the French throne, and to the second restoration of King Louis XVIII
  • Exile on Saint Helena

    Exile on Saint Helena
    He spent 6 years in exile on the small volcanic island off the coast of Africa. British Navy frigates monitored the island at all times.
  • Napoleon's Death

    Napoleon died on Saint Helena at the age of 51