
Miranda's,Lanetria's Time Line

  • 541 BCE

    Justinian Plague

    Justinian Plague
    Was the First recorded pandemic Outbreak,killed almost 25 million people
    (541 AD but couldn't get Ad to show)
  • Jan 1, 1334

    Black Death or the Great Plague

    Black Death or the Great Plague
    Second Pandemic recorded, originated in China,took 60% of the European population,
  • Discovery of Microbiology

    Discovery of Microbiology
    Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch are the two who started Microbiology
  • Antonie Van Leewenhoek

    Antonie Van Leewenhoek
    One of first people to observe Microorganisms
  • Smallpox

    70% of the Native American population died,last known case 1949,they got it from European settlers.
  • Yellow fever

    Yellow fever
    5,000 people died,1700 fled the country,Got to the U.S By Refugees
  • First Vaccine

    First Vaccine
    Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for Small Pox
  • John Snow was Born

    John Snow was Born
    John Snow soon be came the first Epidemiologist
  • Ferdinand Julius Cohn born

    Ferdinand Julius Cohn  born
    Ferdinand Julius Cohn German biologist ,he was the first to show that Bacillus can change from a vegetative state to a endospore state Ferdinand Julius Cohn died June 25, 1898
  • Cholera

    Ended-1866,2-6 people died each day,began in India,Spread across globe through trade routes
  • Cholera

    Ended 1866,2-6 Americans died each day,there was three serious waves
  • Scarlet fever

    Scarlet fever
    95% of people who got this where children,The end of this was mystery,no vaccine for this
  • Modern Plague

    Modern Plague
    Third pandemic started in china 1860's later turned in to the Hong Kong Influenza.
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    He claimed that microbes can cause disease
  • Typhoid Mary

    Typhoid Mary
    10,771 people died from this,rare in U.S,happened in New York
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    Ended in 1919, this pandemic killed more people than the great war (WW1),More people died in a year with this than in the four years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague
  • Discovery of antibiotics

    Discovery of antibiotics
    Sir Alexander Fleming discovered enzyme lysozyme which led to the making of antibiotics
  • Diphtheria epidemic

    Diphtheria epidemic
    15,520 people died,Catching this now days is very rare, Ended 1925
  • polio Vaccine

    polio Vaccine
    Dr. Jonas Salk successfully tested a vaccine against poliomyelitis(Polio) Used since 2000 even though discovered before then
  • Asian Influenza

    Asian Influenza
    First identified in February 1957,Second major influenza of the 20th century,Caused 1-2 million deaths world wide,
  • First suspected Case of H.I.V in US

    First suspected Case of H.I.V in US
    Also called Belgian Congo, evolved from a single introduction into the African population
  • Hong Kong influenza

    Hong Kong influenza
    Also known as Hong Kong flu pandemic, was a global out break of influenza,originated in China lasted from 1968 to 1970. Was the third Pandemic out break of the 20th century caused between 25-50 million people
  • First suspected case of AIDS In US

    First suspected case of AIDS In US
    5 Gay men get unusual infections,their immune systems weren't working correctly. This case will soon be known as the A.I.D's epidemic
  • Cryptosporidium

    403,000 were infected,more than 100 people died,
  • SARS epidemic

    SARS epidemic
    8098 people world wide became sick with this, of the 8098 people 744 died,