Midterm Review Timeline Alexi Brochu B Period

  • Enlightenment

    Enlightenment pictureThe Enlightenment was a movment where thinkers used the scientific method and reason rather than religious teachings to understand the world. It took place in the 17th and 18th century and occured in France and Britain. There were many philosophers during the Enlightenment such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes
  • Rise of Factories The Industrial Revolution

    Rise of Factories The Industrial Revolution
    Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was the shift that began in England during the 18th century from making goods by hand to making goods by machine. People liked the factory line method more because the production was faster and you dont need skill to work in a factory. Also they were paid less and there was less labor involved.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    French RevolutionThe people in France weren't happy with the Old Regime which started the French Revolution. There was unrest due to high prices, high taxes, and unsettling questions brougfht by the Enlightenment thinkers. People weren't treated fair. All of these things lead to disagreement and people began to rise against the king of France.
  • French Rev. The Formation of the National Assembly

    French Rev. The Formation of the National Assembly
    National Assembly The National Assembly was a group formed by the Third Estate. They made this group to pass laws and reforms in the name of French people. The king eventually found out and locked them out of their meeting place, which later leads to the the formation of a pledge to keep the metting there is a new consistution in France, also known as the Tennis Court Oath.
  • French Rev. The Creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man

    French Rev. The Creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Declaration of the Rights of Man The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a document of the French Revolution defining all rights of individuals in all three estates. It was created by the National Assembly and it limited the kings power giving more rights to the people.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian RevolutionThe Haitian Revolution was a slave revoltin Saint-Domingue. During the Haitian Revolution, many things happened. Toussaint L'Ouverture, the leader of the rebellion, abandoned his Spanish allies and joined the forces of the French Republic. Another important event during the Haitian Revolution was the scorched earth policy. This was used against the French and defeated them. The point of the scorched earth policy is to burn everything so nobody can go through it.
  • French Rev. Reign of Terror

    French Rev. Reign of Terror
    Reign of Terror The Reign of Terror was a period where people were executed for being "enemies of the Revolution." People called this the Reign of Terror because they were afraid Maximilien Robespierre would accuse them of being an enemy and kill them without having evidence.
  • French Rev. Rise of Napoleon

    French Rev. Rise of Napoleon
    Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon was one of the only successful parts of the French Government when the Directory was out of control. He decided to over throw the Directory and create his own Government since he was popular with the French. He called his taking over of power coup d'etat. He also made many changes the lycees concordat and the Napoleon code.
  • French Rev. The Congress of Vienna

    French Rev. The Congress of Vienna
    Congress of Vienna \
    The Congress of Vienna was a series of meetings in Vienna to set up policies to achieve the three goals of Klemens von Metternich. His three goals were to prevent future French agreshion, to restore the balance of powers, and to restore Europes royal families.
  • Imperialism Opium War

    Imperialism Opium War
    First Opium WarThe Opium War was caused when China only allows trade with certain places. Europeans wanted to find a way to tempt thr Chinese, so they began smuggling opium into China. The growing supply of opium caused many problems, but Britain refused to stop trading. When conflict builds up, China is left with no choice to start war.
  • Imperialism Treaty of Nanjing

    Imperialism Treaty of Nanjing
    The Treaty of NanjingChina signs the Treaty of Nanjing after being defeated by the British in the Opium War. It gave the island of Hong Kong to Britain, and also paved the way for another treaty which gave the U.S and other foreign nations extraterritorial rights. These rights gave foreign access to China and the trade continued.
  • Imperialism Matthew Perry

    Imperialism Matthew Perry
    Commodore Matthew PerryIn 1800, Western countries were trying to convince Japan to open up ports to trade but Japan refuses. In 1853, Matthew Perry of the U.S navy showed up in Japan's harbor with four ships. This showed the Japanese that the system and methods they were using was outdated and other countries could defeat them easily.
  • Imperialism Treaty of Kanagawa

    Imperialism Treaty of Kanagawa
    Convention of KanagawaWhen Matthew Perry went to Japan, he arrived with a letter from President Fillamore asking for Japan to trade. Perry said he would return in a year with a large fleet to make Japan reply. This led to the Treaty of Kanagawa which opened two ports and let the U.S set an embassy in Japan.
  • Imperialism Meiji Era

    Imperialism Meiji Era
    Meiji EraThe Meiji Era was the government created by Mutsuhito. The emperor realized that the best way to stand the Westerners was to modernize. Japanese representitives were sent to study the ways and chose to model the military and society based off what they saw.
  • Imperialism Berlin Conference

    Imperialism Berlin Conference
    Berlin Conference final meetingThe Berlin Confrence was when 14 European nations met and decided how to devide Africa. No one from Africa was invited to the conference so the Europeans divided it how they wanted. This led to disagreement.