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Middle Ages Project

  • Period: 486 to 530

    The Rise of the Franks

    In 486AD - 530AD, Frankish leader Clovis I and the Franks defeated the last Roman leader.
  • Period: 700 to 900

    Christianity Spreads Through Europe

    In 700AD - 900AD, catholic missionaries went around Europe spreading the word of jesus, as well as the West Slavs.
  • 768

    Charlemagne Becomes King

    Charlemagne Becomes King
    In 768AD, Charlemagne becomes king of the Franks, and built an empire across France, Germany, and Italy.
  • 814

    Europe After Charlemagne Died

    Europe After Charlemagne Died
    In 814AD, Louis I took the throne from Charlemagne, after he had spread Christianity into Northern Europe, then later Louis I split the empire into 3 territories.
  • 962

    Otto the Great

    Otto the Great
    In 962AD, Otto persuaded the pope to crown him emperor in Germany
  • 1000

    Vikings Explore and Trade

    Vikings Explore and Trade
    In 1000AD, vikings went around exploring places and trading in England, Ireland, Northern France, and parts of Russia.
  • 1000

    More Food Fuels Growth

    More Food Fuels Growth
    In 1000AD - 1300AD, new farming methods help create more grain, so they can get more food.
  • 1073

    Pope vs Emperor

    Pope vs Emperor
    In 1073AD, monk named Hildebrand became pope Gregory VII, and he believed that the emperor shouldn't of gotten power over the church and created conflict.
  • 1122

    Continuing Conflict Between Pope Vs Emperor

    Continuing Conflict Between Pope Vs Emperor
    In 1122AD, the struggle between popes and rulers continued even after Gregory and Henry died.
  • 1200

    Cistercian's Advanced Farming

    In 1200AD, Monks called the Cistercians help expand farms and had the help of peasants in Europe.
  • 1215

    Signing of Magna Carta

    In 1215AD, the signing of the Magna Carte occurred, and when signed it was an agreement to uphold the law and runs a fair government.
  • 1469

    Uniting the Kingdoms

    In 1469AD, important royal marriage between Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile-León took place and united Spain's largest Christian kingdoms.