Middle Ages

By Fuly04
  • 476

    The fall of the Western Roman Empire

    This is considered as the beginning of the Middle Ages.
  • Period: 541 to 542

    Plague of Justinian

    In my opinion this was a very important time in the Middle Ages to the fact that this plague caused the estimated deaths of 25 million people.
  • Dec 24, 800

    Charlemagne became Emperor.

  • 843

    Treaty of Verdun

    The Frank Empire were divided into three part between Charlemagne 's sons
  • 919

    First use of gunpowder

    It would mark the beginning of this technology in warfare.
  • 969

    Foundation of Cairo

    By the 14th century this city became the largest city on Earth.
  • 1035

    Gothic buildings emerge

    A new architectural style that would flourish the Medieval Europe.
  • 1206

    Genghis Khan becomes ruler of Mongols

    Temüjin united the nomadic tribes of Mongolia and began a series of conquests to conquer parts of Asia and Europe.
  • Period: 1347 to 1351

    Black Death

    One of the largest pandemic in the History. Nearly 200 Million died during this pandemic
  • 1492

    Colombus sailed to America

    New parts of the world were discovered