Mexican flag vector 19742904

Mexico in the 19th Century

  • "Grito de Dolores"

    "Grito de Dolores"
    Event considered the start of the Mexican independence.
  • Hidalgo died

    Hidalgo died
    Miguel Hidalgo was prisoned and after a long trial, he was shot.
  • Tratado de Córdoba

    Tratado de Córdoba
    Agustín Iturbide and Juan O´donojú signed the document that meant the total independence of Mexico from Spain.
  • First Empire

    First Empire
    Agustin Iturbibe is proclaimed Emperor of Mexico
  • Liberal constitucion

    Liberal constitucion
    Mexico adopted the name of United Mexican Statesand was defined as a representative federal republic.
  • First President of Mexico

    First President of Mexico
    Guadalupe Victoria became the first president of Mexico after Casamata Plan that abolished the monarchy to became a republic.
  • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
    Santa Anna replaced the constitution of 1824 for the 7 laws, then disolved the congress and began centralizing power to became later a dictatorship.
  • Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo
    After the us invasion, this treaty was signed and texas became part of us instead of Mexico´s.
  • Refoma War

    Refoma War
    Conservatists vs Liberalists. The liberalists wanted a federalist regime limiting Catholic church and military influence in the country. The conservatists wanted a centralist regime, even a monarchy.
  • The second empire

    The second empire
    Maximilian of Hapsburg became the second emperor of Mexico after the Second French Intervention between 1863 and 1867 where conservatists brought him to ruled in Mexico.