Mexico events

  • Independence

    September 16, 1810--september 27,1821.
    Is when Mexico fight for our freedom against the Spanish.
  • First Empire

    First Empire
    Is when Inturbide receive the power of Mexico city.
  • Casa Mata Plan

    Casa Mata Plan
    This document came when Iturbide take the power, mexicans want a republic.
  • The triumvirate

    After the fall of Inturbide, the cngress named a new executivegovernment .
    -Pedro Celestino Negrete
    -Vicente Guerrero
    -Nicolás Bravo
  • First Federal Republic

    They had 2 Triuvirates and 9 presidents
    Vicente Guerrero was the first President.
  • Liberal Constitution

    Liberal Constitution
    -Estabilshed a Federal Republic
    -Education and freedom of press
  • First Liberal Reforms

    First Liberal Reforms
    Abolished Clergy and military "fueros"
    Took away property of the church
    Public schools
    National Guards
  • Santa Ana and The Central Republic

    Santa Ana and The Central Republic
    Reaction of the Liberal Reforms of 1833 by the church and the military:" Religion and privileges", President Santa Ana expelled the liberals new congress.
  • Organic Bases

    there were two diferents Organic Bases that modified the Constitution of 1835 and ended Anastasio Bustamantes presidency.
  • 7 Laws

    7 Laws
  • Texas Independence

    Texas Independence
    Texas protested the new Central goverment and rebelled in favor of a Fegeral sysytem.
  • Secession if the Yucatan península

    Secession if the Yucatan península
    Both Texas and Yucatan began as Mexican Territories, boht territories were resistant to the order of the Mexican goverment and each decide to secede.
    Yucatan seceded with help from Texas naval forces.
  • Pastry war

    Pastry war
    France demanded reparations from damages to French business in teb Mexican revolts, including gamages to a bakery.
  • U.S-Mexico war

    U.S-Mexico war
    Mexico had not recognized the Idependence of Texas so Mexican troops in Texas caused the US to declare war.o
  • The teatry of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The teatry of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The teatry was signed to end the war between Mexico and USA.
  • Santa Anna dictatorship

    Santa Anna dictatorship
    Santa Anna came back to power after thr loss of the US-Mexico war.
  • The Ayutla Revolution against Santa Anna

    The Ayutla Revolution against Santa Anna
    Lead by Juan Alvarez with a group of liberals that came back from exile:Melchor ocampo, Sebastian Lerdo De Tejada and Benito Juarez ends Santa Anna dictatorship.
  • Reforma laws and new constitution

    Reforma laws and new constitution
    As the new Constiyutional Congress the goberment of Juan Alvares and Ignacio Comonfort ponulgated the first liberal laws.6
  • Reforma War

    Reforma War
    The fight between Liberals and Conservatives
    Liberal side - Benito Juarez
    Concervative side - Felix Suloaga and Miguel Miramon
  • Second French intervention

    Second French intervention
    It was an invation by the second Frnch empire suported by Inited Kingdom and Spain.
  • Second empire Maximilian

    Second empire Maximilian
    The conservatives negitiated with the Batican end Frence the creator of a European monarchy in Mexico
  • The retored reoublic (Juarez)

    The retored reoublic (Juarez)
    Period in to Juarez come to power
  • Noria Plan

    Noria Plan
    Juarez did not obtain a clear majority againts Lerdo de Tleda and Porfirio Díaz. Díaz has an uprasing but he has defetaed.
  • Porfirio Díaz Regime

    Porfirio Díaz Regime
    Juarez died without finishing his presidential period, Lerdo de Tejada won the elections, but José Maria Iglesias and Porfirio Díaz denounced fraud do Díaz takes the power.