Mexican Immigrants

  • California Farming

    California Farming
    California has a lot of farm land for many people and jobs are open, bringing Mexicans
  • Period: to


  • Mexicans Moving

    Mexicans Moving
    Over 55,000 Mexicans came over to America to find work
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexico then could not afford to pay their citizens fleeing to the U.S.
  • Mexican Labor Rights

    Mexicans were then treated badly in the fields and the jobs that they did, making rights to help
  • U.S. Border Patrol created

    To help Americans not let Mexicans onto their land
  • Branceneros come in World War 2

    The Mexicans come to help on the ranches (millions of mexicans) when the Americans were gone in the war
  • Operation Wetback

    U.S immagration service deports more than 3.8 million people of Mexican heritage
  • (N.F.W.A.) National Farm Workers Association

    Ceasar Chavez organizes the nfwa in Delano california
  • Immmigartion and Naturalization Act

  • the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    NAFTA comes into affect stimulating trade between the U.S.4 and mexico. Massive increases in border populations occur due to the treaty.