Medical Investigations

  • 200

    Galen; tracheostomy

    Galen; tracheostomy
    Tracheostromy is a surgical procedure which consists of making an incision on the anterior aspect of the neck and opening a direct airway through an incision in the trachea.
  • Period: 200 to Sep 8, 1400

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 12, 1000


    the scientist Avicenna porduced a philosophical-science encycopidea
  • Aug 23, 1300

    Islamic hospitals; health care for the sick

    Islamic hospitals; health care for the sick
    the took in sick patients for the time being which was very new to them.
  • Nov 13, 1400

    Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medivhine but is denied

    Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medivhine but is denied
    Felicie was capable of performing medicine and that she had the skills to cure them, she was still charged and forbidden to practice medichine. Felicie proved that women were just as capable of curing internal and external injuries as men were.
  • Sep 12, 1570


    Pare was the first to introduce the idea of tying off arteries before amputation. He created artifical hands with moving fingers
  • Use of scientific method begins

    Use of scientific method begins
    The history of scientific method is a history of the methodology of scientific inquiry which came to the fore in the early 19th century.
  • Period: to


  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Hooke invented the first ever microscope
  • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria

    Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria
    It was he who discovered bacteria, free-living and parasitic microscopic protists, sperm cells, blood cells, microscopic nematodes and rotifers, and much more. His researches, which were widely circulated, opened up an entire world of microscopic life to the awareness of scientists.
  • Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague fleas

    Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague fleas
    Francis was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. He discovered what plaque fleas were and long after his death he still influenced people
  • Edward Jenner discovered first vaccination

    Edward Jenner discovered first vaccination
    Jenner is well known around the world for his innovative contribution to immunization and the ultimate eradication of smallpox, which came from Europe and spread over voyages to America.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Louis Pasteur pasteurization of milk

    Louis Pasteur pasteurization of milk
    At that time, scientists thought that fermentation was a purely chemical process. Pasteur's research into fermentation led him to the discovery that it was yeast, a living organism, that turned the beet juice into alcohol.
  • Robert Koch discovery of pathologies

    Robert Koch discovery of pathologies
    Koch is the founder of modern bacteriology, he is known for his role in identifying the specific causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax and for giving experimental support for the concept of infectious disease.
  • Ignaz Semmelweis shows impotance of hand washing

    Ignaz Semmelweis shows impotance of hand washing
    Semmelweis's observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. Some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and Semmelweis could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings.
  • John Snow stops outbreak of cholera

    John Snow stops outbreak of cholera
    The outbreak is best known for the physician John Snow's study of the outbreak and his discovery that cholera is spread by contaminated water.
  • Joseph Listser practice of medical aspesis

    Joseph Listser practice of medical aspesis
  • Marie Curie discovers science of radioactivity

    Marie Curie discovers science of radioactivity
    She and her partner worked for many year to figure out what all radioactivitiy does or has done. Quote from Curie
    “Neither of us could foresee that in beginning this work we were to enter the path of a new science which we should follow for all our future"
  • Bubonic plague hits San Fransico

    Bubonic plague hits San Fransico
    In the summer of 1899, a ship sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco had had two cases of plague on board. Because of this, although no passengers were ill when the ship reached San Franscisco,
  • Alexander Fleming discorvers penicillan

    Alexander Fleming discorvers penicillan
    In 1928 Alexander Fleming (1881–1955) discovered penicillin, made from the Penicillium notatum mold, but he did not receive the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his discovery until 1945
  • First HMO insurance

    First HMO insurance
    A health maintenance organization (HMO) is an organization that provides or arranges managed care for health insurance, self-funded health care benefit plans, individuals, and other entities in the United States and acts as a liaison with health care providers.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Salk discovers polio vaccine

    Salk discovers polio vaccine
    wo polio vaccines are used throughout the world to combat poliomyelitis, the first was discovered by Jonas Stalk. It is a oral vaccine.
  • WHO declares samllpox eradicated

    WHO declares samllpox eradicated
    If you were to somehow survive the small[pox you would never get them again, But Jenner found that if he gave a person serum from a cow that had cowpox, a virus similar to smallpox, then that person was protected from smallpox without having to be exposed to the disease itself.
  • AZT is used to combat AIDS

    AZT is used to combat AIDS
    It is a drug to use to help prevent the development of aids, for patients with HIV it is supposed to delay the aids.
  • Steve Thomas used sterile maggofts for infectious wound treatment

    the maggots had a virus that would kill the disease
  • Gardasil, a vaccine to prevenst cevical cancer approved

    Gardasil, a vaccine to prevenst cevical cancer approved
    According to information the manufacturer of Gardasil, a vaccine against human papillomavirus, presented to the FDA prior to approval,
  • The first FDA approved implanted AbioCor artificial heart placed in a patient

    The first FDA approved implanted AbioCor artificial heart placed in a patient
    The AbioCor is the world’s first completely self-contained replacement heart. A product of three decades of research, development and testing, the AbioCor is central to ABIOMED’s mission to make real the day when heart failure need not mean the end of life or the ability to enjoy life.
  • Rhazes discovered differences between smallpox and measles

    Rhazes discovered differences between smallpox and measles
    Rhaze was the first physician in history who described in details the symptoms and signs of smallpox and measles based on clinical examination, and he was the first who distinguished between these two diseases by putting what is called now the differential diagnosis.