McDaniel 3 Ocegueda -Vikings

By aao5002
  • Jun 17, 1040

    King Canute of England dies

    King Canute of England dies
    The King of England dies and Harthacnut is the new king. Even though England wanted him to be king he took an army and invaded because he didnt want to take any chances.
  • The Viking Age

    The Viking Age
    The Viking Age started when the viking raided Lindisfarne, an island north east of England. They raided alot during that year.
  • Viking Attack Constatinople

    Viking Attack Constatinople
    Thousands of vikings started raiding Constantinople.The city was unable to stop them so they retreated to Theotokos. The suburbs were badly destroyed and the only thing left was alot of rubble.
  • Viking Discovers Greenland

    Viking Discovers Greenland
    Erik The Red was exhiled from Iceland for three years he had heard of another island west of Iceland and decided to travel there. When he got there he named the island Greenland because of its fertile plains. He returned to Iceland and told everyody.
  • Vikings Settle in Iceland

    Vikings Settle in Iceland
    The Vikings took Iceland from the Irish Monks. Naddoddor was the first viking to find it and eventually other vikings came also. Iceland was a good place to fish and keep sheep.
  • Paris pays a Ransom

    Paris pays a Ransom
    The city of Paris paid a ransom to the vikings so they would stop raiding and killing their people. The army that came to get their ransom was most likely to be Lagnar Rodbrok.