Macy Stallings Social and Emotional Development

  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
    We just brought you home you dont do much just are very quiet!
  • Period: to


    Emotionally:Baby is queit
    Socially: Babies cry
  • I week old

    I week old
    Emotionally: Baby has pain when she gets hungry so she will let you know
    Social: She interacts by smiling and making eye contact
  • 3 months

    3 months
    Emotional: show excitment when parents come and in distress when parents leave
    Social: Begin to trust the caregiver and grow really close to their parents
  • 6 months

    6 months
    Emotional: Show fear to unknown people and can feel threatned when you yell at them
    Social: Well cared for infants develop interest outside themselves
  • 1 year old

    1 year old
    Emoitonal:Fear being apart from their parents
    Social: cry when parents leave them