King Clovis

By smsmimi
  • 300

    Comming home

    In the A.D. 300s, the Roman legions in Britain began heading home to fight Germanic invaders.
  • Period: 300 to 550

    Eropean timline

    it was when the Romans just fell and all the Germanik tribes were coming in and taking over and the Mideavle times.
  • 400


    By the early A.D 400s, the Romans had pulled out of England.
  • 400

    The Franks

    During the A.D. 400s, a Germanic people called the Franks settled in the area that is now France.
  • 476

    When West Rome fell

    476 was when West Rome fell from power.
  • 511

    King Clovise dies

    King Clovis died when he was 45
  • King Clovis

    King Clovis
    In A.D. 496 King Clovis of the Franks became a Catholic.
  • Vikings Attack Lindisfarne

    Vikings Attack Lindisfarne
    Lindifarne is a monostarie in England that the Vikings attacked and took over in 793 AD. The took all of thier slver,artifacts, and some slaves. The reasone why this is important is because it started the Viking raids for another 300 years.