Israel vs. Palestine

By rrrrrp
  • The Balfour Declaration

    A document from England stating that the British want to create a homeland for the Jews.
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    Jewish Mandate

    Large governments of the World tried to find a home for the Jews.
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    The Holocaust

    Two-Thirds of the European Jewish population are killed by the Nazi Regime.
  • The Day That Never Ended

    A vote was conducted by the freshly formed United Nations on whether to partition the British Mandate that would split Palestine into two states; one for the Jews and one for the Arabs. The vote passed, and Israel was formed. Major powers of the world are still voting.
  • Al-Nakba

    Palestinians are removed from the newly formed Israel estimated in numbers of 700,000.
  • Formation of the P.L.O.

    The states of Palestine form a highly organized federation that plots to return Israel to their possession.
  • The Six-Days War

    Israel drops bombs on an Egyptian Airfield, sparking violent conflicts between the two.
  • Munch Olymics

    A group of 8 Arabs kidnapped 9 Israeli Olympic Participants and attempted to take them to an unknown Palestinian state. During the escape, the Arabs knew their attempts would be unsuccessful, and killed the hostages.
  • Yom Kippur War

    The Arabs launch a surprise attack on Israel positions during Yom Kippur, the holiest Jewish day. The conflict was fueled by the Soviet Union and the U.S.’s backing, bringing the two superpowers to near-nuclear confrontation.
  • Camp David Accords

    A Peace Treaty signed by the Egyptian President and Israeli Prime Minister. The Treaty had very little impact on Palestine.
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    1st Intifada

    The Palestinian uprising that rose due to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.
  • Madrid Summit

    A conference between world superpowers, mainly the U.S.A. and The U.S.S.R. The meeting was held to start a peace process for the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Months later the Soviet Union fell apart.
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    The Oslo Accords

    A meeting that was set as the framework to end the Israel-Palestine Conflict. It marked the first time the P.L.O. and the Israeli Government met face-to-face.
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    2nd Intifada

    A severely violent conflict caused as a result of The Israeli Prime Minister making a visit to Palestine. The Israelites were provoked, causing them to open fire, which broke the tension of the situation,
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    2nd Intifada

    A severely violent conflict caused as a result of The Israeli Prime Minister making a visit to Palestine. The Israelites were provoked, causing them to open fire, which broke the tension of the situation,