Israel Palestine

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    a letter annoucing the bristish support of a jewish homeland in palestine.
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    Jewish immigration

    Jewish popuation increases in palestine; jewish begin to buy land, begin schools and other institution. population inceases 60000 to 155000
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    The holohaust

    Adolf Hitler came into power in Germany and jews were captures and put into death camps or labor camps
  • UN partiton plan for palestine

    UN partiton plan for palestine
    General assembly to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews, allowing for the formation of the Jewish state
  • al-Nakba day

    al-Nakba day
    annual day of displacement Israeli Declaration of Independence
  • the PLO

    the PLO
    become a key player in Palestinian Arab (terrorist)
  • six day war

    six day war
    Israel raids against Egyptian air-fields after a period of high tension and after 6 days israel wins the war. june 10th is when it ended
  • Munich Olympics

    Munich Olympics
    eleven Israeli athletes and coaches,a police officer and five rebels were killed at the olympics in germany
  • Yom Kippur war

    Yom Kippur war
    Egyptian military forces launched an attack knowing that the military of Israel would be participating in the religious celebrations associated with Yom Kippur
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    agreements between Israel and Egypt that led in the following year to a peace treaty between those two countries.
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    1st Intifada

    Palestinian going against the Israeli on products, refusal to pay taxes and graffiti, but the Palestinian demonstrations that included stone-throwing by youths against the Israel Defense Forces
  • Oslo Peace Accords

    Oslo Peace Accords
    an attempt to solve the conflist between Israeli–Palestinian war
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    2nd Intifada

    negotiation had failed to deliver a Palestinian country. mostly palestinian people were killed then israelies