Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

By Amical
  • Samuel Slater Brings the Water Frame to America

    Samuel Slater Brings the Water Frame to America
    (Ignore the month and day)
    By bringing the Arkwright's Water Frame over to America, Americans could produce dozens of cotton threads at the same time.
  • Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin
    (Ignore the month and day)
    With this invention, cotton could be produced by farmers with slaves at rapid speed.
  • Eli Whitney Creates Interchangeable Parts

    Eli Whitney Creates Interchangeable Parts
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    With interchangeable parts, machines were easier to assemble and fix.
  • Robert Fulton Invents the Steamboat

    Robert Fulton Invents the Steamboat
    (Ignore month and day)
    The steamboat was a major invention. It allowed travel upstreams, and made the transportation of goods and people much easier.
  • Peter Cooper Creates the First Locomotive in America

    Peter Cooper Creates the First Locomotive in America
    (Ignore month and day)
    With the locomotive in America, an entirely new method of transportation was created. This motivated settlers to expand West, and railroads were built all over the country.
  • Cyrus McCormick Invents the Harvesting Reaper

    Cyrus McCormick Invents the Harvesting Reaper
    (Ignore month and day)
    This invention allowed crops to be harvested at an incredibly increased rate.
  • Samuel F. B. Morse Invents the Telegraph

    Samuel F. B. Morse Invents the Telegraph
    (Ignore month and day)
    The telegraph was a major invention that allowed communication through a series of beeps, or "dots" and "dashes," over long distances.
  • John Deere Invents the Steel Plow

    John Deere Invents the Steel Plow
    (Ignore month and day)
    The steel plow made it easier to plow through thick soil, unlike the iron plow.
  • Isaac Singer Improves the Sewing Machine

    Isaac Singer Improves the Sewing Machine
    (Ignore month and day)
    This invention made clothing production more efficient.