

  • Steam Engines

    Steam Engines
    Thomas Savery's invention allowed for faster land travel. It increased western settlement. Factories were built to make more steam engines growing the national economy.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves created this invention which was used for sewing. His invention led to the growth of the clothing industry.
  • Factory Systems

    Factory Systems
    Samuel Slator's idea created a building that put all steps of manufacturing in one location. This created many job opportunities and cities begain to spring up around factories.
  • Cotton Jin

    Cotton Jin
    Eli Whitney created a machine that removed cotton from it's seed. His invention revolutionized the idea of mass producing crops.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Eli Whitney made replacement parts to fit exact specifications of machines. This made repairs easier and cheaper. It also decreased the need for skilled laborer's.
  • National Roads

    National Roads
    Albert Gallation supervised the building of the first national bank which made travel faster and easier. The road allowed more people to move about the country easier and aided in the settlement of new areas.
  • Steamboats

    Robert Fulton's invention allowed sea travel to be fast. Goods were shipped much faster because of steamboats. They were also used for river travel because they could travel upriver without wind power.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    John C. Calhoun made a canal that allowed easy travel from Buffalo to New York City. His invention opened up the Ohio Valley for transportation of farm products and development. Westward expansion became easier after his canal.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    Francis Cabot Lowell had the idea to invent buildings that made clothes at a fast rate. Young women had the oppurtunity to have a job, but it could be dangerous.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    John Deere created a plow that wasstronger and more durable. The farming industry grew leaps and bounds because of his invention.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse made an invention that allowed for instant communication between places that would take days to reach on horseback.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Elias Howe made the sewing machine which was an evolution of the spinning jenny. It increased the speed of making clothes and furthered the clothing industry.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The government funded for a railroad that spanned the US. It transported goods at record speeds and improved the quality of live for western settlers.