Industrial Revolution Inventors & Inventions

  • John Kay

    He invented the flying shuttle. This device allowed a person to weave wider fabrics. This was an important step towards automatic weaving.
  • Richard Arkwright

    He created the water frame. This machine was a spinning frame powered by water. It produced cotton yarn that was ready for weft. It spun 69 strands of yarn at once.
  • James Hargreaves

    He invented the spinning jenny. This device made it possible to spin eight threads at once.
  • Samuel Crompton

    He invented the spinning mule. This machine made textile fibers into several strands of yarn.
  • Henry Cort

    He invented the puddling process of iron. This process converted pig iron into wrought iron. It allowed wrought iron to be produced in large quantities.
  • Nicolas LeBlanc

    He invented the process of turning salt into soda ash. This was a very important chemical process of the 19th century during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Eli Whitney

    He invented the cotton gin. This machine removed seeds from cotton in an efficient way, so human labor was minimal. It was patented on March 14, 1794.
  • Alessandro Volta

    He invented the first electric battery. It was the very first source that had a constant current.
  • Robert Fulton

    He invented the first steamboat, and it successfully floated for the first time on 8/9/1803. It was the first one in its time.
  • Elias Howe

    He invented the sewing machine. This machine helped the production of clothing in factories and home.
  • Cyrus Field

    He successfully layed the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • John Wesley Hyatt

    He was the first to produce artificial plastic (celluloid). He was experimenting with substances that made good billiard balls.