Industrial revolution1

Industrial Revolution in the USA

  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay. This enabled weavers to weave faster. Flying shuttles improved looms.
  • Lightning Rod

    Lightning Rod
    Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod. One end of the rod points up into the sky; the other end is connected to a cable, which stretches down the side of the house to the ground. The end of the cable is then buried at least ten feet underground. The rod attracts the lightning and sends the charge into the ground, which helps to decrease the amount of fires.
  • John Fitch Invents a Steamboat

    John Fitch Invents a Steamboat
    Fitch tested his first successful steamboat on the Delaware River. The members of the Constitutional Convention were present when the steamboat was tested. He went on to create a larger steamboat that carried people and freight.
  • Opening of the first Industrial Mill

    Opening of the first Industrial Mill
    Samuel Slater opens the first industrial mill in the United States! The design was very similar to the British model. This mill increased the speed that which cotton thread could be spun into yarn.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney patented the Cotton Gin. Cotton gin is short for cotton engine. It is now easier to clean cotton. Field owners make more money using this device.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Eli Whitney is the inventor of interchangeable parts for a gun. Interchangeable parts means identical parts. This allows easier assembly. This invention was crucial to the introduction of an assembly line.
  • Invention of Mechanical Reaper

    Invention of Mechanical Reaper
    Cyrus McCormick invented this device. It could harvest more grain than 5 men at a time. It made field work less tedius.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F. B. Morse invented this. It was a communication system. It transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location that translated into a message.
  • First Airplane

    First Airplane
    The airplane was made by Orville and Wilbur Wright.They had made numerous attempts before they perfected the airplane. The craft soared ten feet!
  • Model T

    Model T
    Henry Ford invented the Model T. It is the first moving assembly line for the mass productiong of an entire automobile. Instead of taking 12 hours to make an automobile, it now takes 30 minutes.