Industrial revolution pictoral

Industrial Revolution

  • Charles Townsend created crop rotation

    Charles Townsend created crop rotation
    Crop rotation made for better sorting and yeilds in farming
  • James Hargreaves creates the spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves creates the spinning Jenny
    The spinning jenny makes it easier to weave textiles
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
    Faster production of cotton seed.
  • Alessandro Volta created the first battery

    Alessandro Volta created the first battery
    The battery could help things last longer without having to be plugged in.
  • Robert Fulton invents Steamboat

    Robert Fulton invents Steamboat
    Steamboat enables easier transportation of goods.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    Made it easier to bring coal to the miners.
  • Gottlieb Daimler invented internal combustion engine

    Gottlieb Daimler invented internal combustion engine
    Made transportation easier and faster then ever before.
  • Rudolf Diesel creates the diesel engine

    Rudolf Diesel creates the diesel engine
    The diesel engine allowed people to go farther with the same amount of gas.
  • Wright Brothers create the first airplane

    Wright Brothers create the first airplane
    The beginning of the age of flight.
  • Henry Ford creates the assembly line.

    Henry Ford creates the assembly line.
    the assembly line enabled vehicles to be manufactured faster.