Industrial revolution  1

Industrial Revolution

  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was invented on March 14, 1794. Eli Whitney invented this machine in order to speed up cotton production. He wanted a quicker way to separate raw cotton, from the seed, and thats exactly what he got. With the cotton gin, a slave could process 50 pounds of cotton a day, meanwhile, by hand, only 1 pound could be processed a day. This was one of the first industrial inventions. Its ability to quickly produce cotton, profited the U.S a great deal.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    In 1837 the telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in Morristown, New Jersey. The telegraph consisted of a series of towers, with signal making arms. This invention not only helped make communication faster, but it also made it less of a hassle. The telegraph was also used in the civil war.
  • The LIght Bulb

    The LIght Bulb
    The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison, in Melno Park, in 1878. The light bulb consisted of a thin spiralled strand of platinum in side of a glass bulb. When electricity hit the strand, it glowed, revolutionizing the lives of people because they had a new sourc of light. After some time, edison revised the bulb, making it stay lit for longer periods of time
  • Machine Gun

    Machine Gun
    In 1884, Hiram S. Maxim patented the first automatic machine gun. The gun had multiple barrels that rotate around a central axis. Machine guns were the product of a need for better quality weapons during the Civil War. Improvement on this idea lead to the modern day machine guns.