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industrial revolution

  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    It helped the slave owners pick cotton faster and was made by Eli Whitney.
  • Steam-Powered Pumping Station

    Steam-Powered Pumping Station
    The Fairmount Water Works harnesses steam power to provide water for Philadelphia. This increased business because people could use as much water as they need.
  • Telephone

    The telephone helps you communate and it is faster.It was made by Alexander Graham Bell
  • sewing machine

    sewing machine
    The Sewing machine helped people make clothes faster so they can sell more clothes quicker. It was made by Issac Singer and Elias Howe.
  • Internal Combustion Engine that runs on oil

    Internal Combustion Engine that runs on oil
    It helped a lot of people by running on oil. It was created by Rudolf Desiel.
  • Textile Mills

    Textile Mills
    They make fabre and yarn into fabric. The girls that the worked their was called The Lowell Mill Girls.
  • Playstation 3

    Playstation 3
    A gaming system that takes graphics and gaming to another level. It makes the games look like real life. It was made by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita
  • IPad 2

    IPad 2
    It's like an computer on the go and they added a face chat to it to make it superior to the first IPad. It was created by Steve Jobs, Steve Wonziak, and Ronald Wayne.