Industrial revolution

Industrial Revoltion

  • samuel slater created the factory system

    samuel slater created the factory system
    Samuel Slater (june 9. 1768 - april 21 1835)
    Samuel Slater invented the factory system which helped produce more stuff in a faster time, which it also made it cheaper. But this also impacted them because it requiared slaves to work the machines. So slavery increased in the south. And it was very unsafe to work this machines.
  • Eli Whitney and the cotton gin.

    Eli Whitney and the cotton gin.
    Eli Whitney. (december 8, 1765-1825)
    Eli invented the cotton gin which it separeted the cotton fibers from the seeds faster. it helped the economy because they were able to make more in less time. But it also impacted the economy because it requiared slaves to work the machine. The cotton gin also created more business in the north and more cotton owners. the economy grew as well as slavery.
    Free Enterprise: more factories ,more cotton, more clothes.
  • robert fulton and the steam boat.

    robert fulton and the steam boat.
    Robert Fulton (november 14, 1765 - february 24 1815)
    Robert Fulton invented the steam boat which helped carry cotton up river because of its powerful motor. This helped the economy because it took less time to take the cotton from one place to another. And it also created jobs. But it also increased slaves.
  • John Deere and the steal plow.

    John Deere and the steal plow.
    John Deere ( february 7, 1804 - 1886)
    john deere invented the steal plow which helped farming because now you could work with harder soil. This helped the economy because now they could farm more and faster. But this also increased slavery to work in the fields.
  • Samuel Morse and the telegraph.

    Samuel Morse and the telegraph.
    Samuel Morse (april 27, 1791 - april 2 1872)
    Samuel Morse invented the telegraph so that people could talk to other people over longer distances. Samuel Morse came up with the idea because he didnt realised his wife was death into aa week later when he came home. this impacted the slaves because it requiared slaves work the telegraph. but it helped because now you could talk over longer distances.
  • cotton gin advanced

    cotton gin advanced
    this has to do with the cotton gin becaues its a modern machine representing the cotton gin. it does the same work but it produces more in less time, and better.
  • speed boat

    speed boat
    this is like the steamboat because its like a boat. this speed boat is way faster and better looking than a steam boat. but they can be used for the same thing.
  • first tractor from john deeres company

    first tractor from john deeres company
    this tractor is related to the steel plow because it helps you farm. this is probably better because you dont use that much force on it to work it. and it does a better job tan a steel plow. and this was also the first tractor that came out from deeres company.
  • charles george invented the first industrial working robot

    charles george invented the first industrial working robot
    this is just like a human being at work because instead of you doing the work. the robot does the work for you.
  • iphone 4

    iphone 4
    this is like a telegraph because you can talk through it with other people in other places. but this has more stuff than just talking with a friend.