Indian Chiefs

  • Birth

    No one knows when King Philp was born.
  • Rise To the Top

    Rise To the Top
    King Phillp, after the death of his father and brother, becomes cheif of the Womponoag.
  • Period: to

    The King Phillp War

    The King Phillp war was a series of battles between the colonists which ultimatly ended in the defet of the Indians with the death of King Phillp.
  • Death of the King

    Death of the King
    The King dies when one of his men shots him in the back.
  • Pontiac's Birth

    Pontiac's Birth
    No one knows when Pontiac was accuallyu born but some think that he was born around 1720.
  • Birth of Joseph Brant

    Birth of Joseph Brant
    Joseph Brant was born around new york state in 1742.
  • Period: to

    life of Josepf brant

  • Period: to

    Pontiac's war

  • Fighting in the Pontiac war

    Fighting in the Pontiac war
    Brant helped the british in 1763 with the pontiac war.
  • Black Hawk is born

    Black Hawk is born
    Black Hawk was born in Rock Island Illinois
  • Birth of Tucumseh

    Birth of Tucumseh
    Tucumseh was born near Springfeild IL.
  • Period: to

    life of Tecumseh

  • Sequoyah's Birth

    Sequoyah's Birth
    He was born near Tennessesse in about 1770
  • Cherry Valley massacare

    Cherry Valley massacare
    Brant leads raids american villeges.
  • attacking the pioneer boats

    attacking the pioneer boats
    When Tecumseh was only fifteen, He and a band of indians atacked pioneer boats.
  • the battle of fallen timbers

    the battle of fallen timbers
    Indians fight with mad anthoney wane for forty minutes and the indians are forced to sign the treaty of greenvile.
  • Osceola's birth

    Osceola's birth
    Osceola was born in 1804
  • Death of Joseph Brant

    Death of Joseph Brant
    Josheph Brant dies in his home in 1807
  • Black Hawk joins the army

    Black Hawk joins the army
    Black Hawk joined the British army as they clashed with American soldiers in the war of 1812.
  • battle of thames

    battle of thames
    This is where tucumseh will die because he was shot by an american solider.
  • March on the Seminolies

    March on the Seminolies
    Andrew Jackson marched on the the first Seminolies starting the first Seminolie war.
  • The Cherokee Pheniox

    The Cherokee Pheniox
    Sequoyah wrote a newspaper in both Cherrokee and in English.
  • Black Hawk moves west

    Black Hawk moves west
    Most of the indians in Black Hawks tribe moved across the am Mississippi river.
  • Sitting Bull

    Sitting Bull
    Sitting Bull was born in South Dekota
  • American Troops invaded Saukenuk

    American  Troops invaded Saukenuk
    American troops found that the indians were gone, they burned down the village becasue they were so dissappointed that there were no indians.
  • Osceola refuses to sign the treaty

    Osceola refuses to sign the treaty
    Osceola refuses to sigh the treaty from Indian agent Thompson, that demanded that they leave their home.
  • Start of the second seminole war

    Start of the second seminole war
    This war lasted for 8 years! It was fought between the Seminole indians and the Americans.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Sequoyah is moved from his home swith the other Cherokees in the trail of tears.
  • Osceola dies

    Osceola dies
    Osceola dies at the age of 34 of maleria.
  • Black Hawk dies

    Black Hawk dies
    Black Hawk was 71 years old.
  • Gall's brith

    Gall's brith
    The indian cheif Gall was born.
  • Gall escapes the land of the indians

    Gall escapes the land of the indians
    Gall snuck over the boarder to the reservation and surrenders.
  • Crazy Horse

    Crazy Horse
    Crazy Horse was born to the Sioux Tribe.
  • Sequoyah's death

    Sequoyah's death
    He died in Mexico City
  • Cochise

    Made peace with the settlers
  • Crazy Horse

    Crazy Horse
    After the American Solders were killed by the indians over a missing cow, the Souix tribe fled north. At this time Crazy Horse saw a vision after three days of lying on a hilltoop. This vision is how he got his name..
  • Cochise

    Cochise attacks the soldiers in New Mexico.
  • Joseph

    Gold was discovered on his reservationa nd the white man sked the indians to move from there Oragan home. Most of them moved but the chief stayed and when the chief died in 1871 his son joseph became chief.
  • Crazy Horse joins Red Cloud to guard a trail

    Crazy Horse joins Red Cloud to guard a trail
    The Souix guard the trail which lead to gold found in Montana.
  • Cochise dies

    Cochise dies
    Cochise dies while visitng one of his friends.
  • must move

    must move
    The sioux must leave there home by January 1876 or face the consequences
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    The battle was fought and it ended with Cluster being defeated. Clster was a general leading the American army.
  • Gall at Little Big Horn

    Gall at Little Big Horn
    Gall participates in the battle of little big horn
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    Sitting Bull joined Crazy Horse and other Souix chiefs in the Battle of Little Big Horn.
  • Joseph

    in 1877 some of chief Joseph's men killed several white settlers and this began the fight between General Oliver and the Indians. the chiefs began an impossible jouney in 1877 retreating from the American Army, they crossed several states and were intercepeted by American colonial where they finally surrenderred
  • Crazy Horse dies

    Crazy Horse dies
    Crasy Horse died when he entered a reservation.
  • Sitting Bull escapes

    Sitting Bull escapes
    After the Battle of Little Big Horn Sitting Bull escapes into Canada and returns in about 1883.
  • Sitting Bull

    Sitting Bull
    Sitting Bull agreed to join Buffalo Bills wild west show.
  • Geronimo

    Geronimo and the other Aphaches in his tribe were shipped to Arizona by the Americans. They were prisioners of war.
  • Gall appointed Judge

    Gall appointed Judge
    Gall was appointed judge in the standing Rock reservation.
  • Sitting Bull

    Sitting Bull
    Sitting Bull dies when the police shot him.
  • Joseph

    Joseph dies
  • Geronimo dies

    Geronimo dies
    he dies at the age of 80.