Imperialism Cruz

  • Period: to


    domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region
  • British Protectorate

    British Protectorate
    Egyptian Nationalist revolted against foreign countries due to conflicting views. Britiain made egypt a protectorate and the governor of egypt followed the rules set by the Britsh.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    to avoid any physical conflicts European states such as Germany, Britain, and France met on Berlin, Germany to discuss political claims west-africa
  • Britain Annexes Burma

    Britain Annexes Burma
    Britain ruled of Burma after the anglo-burmese wars which led to it being a british province From 1824 to 1948
  • Battle Of Adwa

    Battle Of Adwa
    Menelik II was reforming his country and began starting the improvement of transportation, education, and defense. Italy came to ethiopia and tried to take it over which led to battle
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Cuba attempted to gain independence from the U.S which led to war between the U.S and Spain. The U.S got the Filipino leaders to gain independence from Spain and they started helping the U.S They ten signed a 20 million dollar agreement to spain for control over the Philipines
  • Second Boer War

    Second Boer War
    In the late 1800s a dicovery of gold and diamonds led to conflict with the British after the migrating of many Boers to flee from British rule
  • Maji Maji Rebellion

    Maji Maji Rebellion
    The Maji Maji rebellion consisted of Africans and Germans with the africans fighting for freedom. Africans lost due to the germans burning there land and starving them of natural resources
  • Japan rules Korea

    Japan rules Korea
    Japan ruled Korea, In 1910 japan annexed korea, taking in the kingdom onto the japanese empire, Japan ruled for 35 years.
  • Sun Yixian becomes president

    Sun Yixian becomes president
    Sun Yiaxian became the driving force behind revolution returned to China after 16 years of being exiled
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
    There were many factors, including, Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism & Nationalism, but this is the single event that sparked or ignited World War I.