
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    The British and Chinese started 2 wars due to British trade and Chinese sovereignty. The Chinese fought to end the smuggling of opium, but the British finally won.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    The British and the Chinese ended the first Opium War with a peace treaty that unequally granted Britain a large sum of money along with rule over Hong Kong.
  • Treaty of Kanagawa

    Treaty of Kanagawa
    An agreement made by Matthew C. Perry with the Japanese Government regarding the establishment of trade with the United States.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    Sepoy, who are Indian soldiers, rebelled against the British which resulted in the British Parliament tightening it's control of India.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    The United States created the open door policy as a statement of principles to equally protects trade with China.
  • Russo- Japanese War

    Russo- Japanese War
    Russia and Japan fought over imperial ambitions in Korea. The Japanese won which resulted in korea being annexed.
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    China overthrew its final imperialist dynasty and created the Republic of China. This started with the Chinese wanting a modern, independent republic.