Ngs world antique pacific centered

Immagration Timeline

  • Period: to

    To America

  • Poland and America

    Poland and America
    Europe is growing old, that is compared to the new country, United Sates of America. America has been a country for just over a hundred year we are still impressed by how a group of small farmers could rise up against a world superpower, and win. Now that there is a comical decline, Poland many are leaving for this country overseas. My husband, Danmian left last summer, I await for him to send me and out son, Benedykt, to join in America.
  • Trip to a New Life

    Trip to a New Life
    Not too long ago Danmian has sent for us. In the letter was enough money for a ticket in steerage for both me and Benedykt, and what to expect when we get to America. We have lived with my mother and father for the past year since our small house and little land was sold for a ticket for Danmian. So we left as soon as the boat was ready. Steerage was filled with lots of people hoping to make a new life is America. Some were ill and the unclean living conditions, made the illness easy to spread.
  • Sterotypes in the New Land

    Sterotypes in the New Land
    Now in a new home we live in small room . Next to us are families from all over the world.They are drifferent then our old neighbors back in Poland, they seem to think the same about us too.Denedykt cam home crying on day saying the older boys laughed at hime telling him that Poles are filthy, diaorganizned, drunk sloths.
  • William A. Mckinley's Assassinaton

    William A. Mckinley's Assassinaton
    It came a shock to us all. Although we have only being a citizen for a couple years, and this land is like nothing back in Poland, we have grown to love this country that has toke us in and become our home. So when the man who ran our new home was killed we were filled with sadness. To make matter worse the man who killed the president was polish causing trouble for us and other polish immigrant in America.
  • New Act

    New Act
    Not to long ago a new act had taken place. The Reclamation Act is what it is called. This act is to get irrigation in the west with dames so farmers haver better ways of getting waters to crops. This was a smart act i must say but i really didn't care it efected me in no way. Danmian on the other hand toke great intersed in this act. When he first read about it he left with a goofy smilie on his face. The smilie that he has when he is up to something.
  • Talk of Land

    Talk of Land
    Danmian sat down with Ben by the window and told of a land largerd the eurpoe it's self and how the goverment was just giving it up for free. He told our son of endless valley to run in, large lakes to swin in and some of the tallest mountains to cliumb.Before to sen Ben to bed Danmian told hime that every snice he first came to this world her knew he would one have some of that land. This was news to me but i didn't seem to mind.
  • West Wagons and Friend

    West Wagons and Friend
    Last month Danmian anocued we were to leave for the west. At first Ben was very exicted but then he relized he would have to say good byt to his friends he have come to know. With the money we saved up through out the time we were in america, we bought a wagon, two oxen and supplies we would need. We have been traveling with other families hopeing get some land the goverment has promised us. The trip has been long i only wounder what waits us when we get to where are going. Where ever that is.
  • Montana, New House and Flat Land

    Montana, New House and Flat Land
    We have found a nice place to settle. Whille the rest of the wagon train moves to washington state, Oregon, and California we picked to move to Montana with one other family. Danmian says he chosse this land to be our new home gor the soil, almost flat land and good climate. He started to build a house today with a little bit of Ben's help. I must say i like it here more than in the city, here i can breath.
  • Potates, Wheat and No Factories

    Potates, Wheat and No Factories
    We now have a large house and a barn to keep our new animles in. Like the other familes in this state we begane to plant potates to harvest in the months comes. Luckly theses where a comman crop in Poland so I know to plant these well. I felt great to be farming again instead of working in a factory. When the time comes right in the later months we plan to plant wheat too.
  • Summer Time Wedding

    Summer Time Wedding
    Today my little boy got married. He is now 27. He fell in love with his first friend that he got in the west, a daughter of an american family, Jody. It was a beautful wedding. We had it at Jody's Family farm. I was so proud of my little boy, he has grown up so much snice we first arrvied at america when he was only six years old.