I was born.

  • Day of my birth.

    I was born on November 22, 1999. I was 8 lbs. 8 oz. I was 22 in. long. I am a middle child.
  • Haley was born.

    Haley was born.
    on March 13, 2003 I became a big sister! My parents now have 3 young and healthy girls. That day I got another sister named Haley Elizabeth Brooks.
  • Moving

    On June 20th I moved from 144 School Lane Springfield PA to 505 Kerr Lane Springfield PA.
  • Vacation

    The Fourth Of July in 2010 was the last time I was at Disney World Orlando, Flordia. That was the 8th time i was at Dinsey.
  • I made AAU wizards.

    It was a sunday, It snowed that day. I went to a basketball try out for the second week. When the tryout was over, I had a basketball CYO game. I was ariving to the gym and I saw a guy who was going to be the coach for the A team. I got scared because I thiught he was going to tell me that I didn't make the team. Turns out he waned to tell me in person that I had made the A team! I was one of the best that tried out in his mind. I was very proud of myself.
  • Lacrosse

    I had never played lacross before this past season. I loved it. I hope to play again and maybe even for the travel team!
  • First day of scchool

    First day of scchool
    The first day of school this year I was excited. This year is my last year in E.T. Richardson Middle School.
  • Sprained Ankle

    Sprained Ankle
    I sparined my ankle this year. It really hurt. I was on cruches for 4 days.
  • Fieldhockey

    This year I am playing for E.T.Richardson middle schools fieldhockey team. We had our first gae yesterday, we won!
  • Holidays

    Every Christmas, my grandparents come up from North Carolina. thats where they live. During that week or two their here, I get to see them about 4 out of 7 days their here. i only gt to see them 4 out of 365 days each year. We talk to them on the phone a lot though so that makes up for it.