holy roman empire

  • 511

    franks becames one kingdom

    clovis had united the franks into one kingdom. the strategic alliance between clovis's frankish kingdon and the church marked the start of a partnership between two powerful forces.
  • Jan 15, 732

    battle of tours

    muslim raider from spain at the battle of tours. this battle was highly significant for christian europeans. if the muslims had won, western europe might have become part of the muslim empire. charles martel won the battle, making him a christian hero
  • otto the great crowned king

    the germen leader otto was crowned in 936. he agrees with the polical veiws of chalemagne and becomes allies with the church
  • otto v. italy

    otto invaded italy on the popes behalf
  • otto crowned emperor

    the pope reward otto by crowning him king.
  • charlemagnes empire

    by this time his empire was larger than the byzantine empire and became the most powerful king in western europe
  • louis the pouis

    charlemagne sons was crowed one year after charlemagnes death
  • charlemagne crowned

    pope leo the 3rd crowned charlemage