History of music

By larran
  • 476

    Beginning of the middle ages

    The western roman empire falls
  • 500

    Creation of university

    In the 6th century university started to appear
  • Period: 800 to 1400


    Feudalism is the economic, political and social system of the Middle Ages characterized by the division of society into three large estates the latter being the most abundant, working the lands of the nobles and paying a part of crops in exchange for safety and shelter
  • 928

    Pope León III designation

    He was pope John's IV prime minister and later a cardinal when elected by the senatrix Marozia
  • 1000


    A troubadour is a singer-songwriter poet from the Middle Ages. The troubadours usually sang in Occitan, specifically in the Tolosa linguistic variant, which was the most important center of troubadour culture.
  • Period: 1000 to 1200

    Romanesque period

    The Romanesque period occurred during the Medieval, or Middle Ages. It started around the mid-10th century until the 12th Century . It originated in different parts of Europe, predominantly France, Italy, England, and Northern parts of Europe like Germany.
  • Period: 1170 to 1310

    Arts Antiqua and Arts Nova

    Arts Antiqua: The first form of polyphony was developed
    Arts Nova: Polyphonic music was perfected and became more complex in its rhythm and melodies.
  • Period: 1450 to

    Authoritarian monarchy

    The kings of the territories had all the power making to the nobility an important loss of power
  • Period: 1450 to 1517

    Henrich Isaac

    He was a flamenquis compositor. He was known as an outstanding representative of the Dutch style. He made important compositions such as Choralis Constantinus, Missa carminum...
  • 1453

    Fall of the byzantine empire

    It was the conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Period: 1453 to


  • Period: 1458 to 1470

    Facade of Santa Maria Novella

    His objetive was to replace the old church of SAnt Reparta
  • 1492

    End of the middle ages

    Discover of America
  • 1500


    Humanism is based on the idea that human beings are the contre of the universe
  • Period: 1500 to


    It was characterised by the rebirth of the culture of the antiquity
  • 1519

    Conquer of the incs

    Hernan Cortés conquered the incs, winning a big amount of territories "in the new world"
  • 1564

    William Shakespeare

    Shakespeare was a prolific writer during the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages of British theatre
  • Diego velazquez

    He was a Spanish baroque painter considered one of the greatest exponents of Spanish painting and a master of universal painting.
  • Period: to

    Beginning of the Baroque Period

    This is the name for the cultural period that developed in Europe. It was characterised by a pessimistic view of life and the
    importance of feelings.
  • Protestants and catholics

    In Catholic countries spirituality affected all aspects of life, while
    Protestant countries gave more importance to individualism and economic success, which
    generated the perfect climate for the development of the bourgeoisie.
  • Period: to

    The 30 years war

    It began as a religious confrontation between Protestants and Catholics in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, however, as it spread, it dragged the main European powers onto the battlefield.
  • Antonio Vivaldi

    He was a Baroque Venetian Catholic composer, violinist, impresario, teacher and priest. He was nicknamed Il prete rosso because he was a priest and had red hair.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, conductor, violinist, viola player, Kapellmeister, singer, and teacher of the Baroque period.
  • French revolution

    The French Revolution was a period of major social upheaval that began in 1787 and ended in 1799. It sought to completely change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature of political power.
  • Mozart

    He was a composer, pianist, conductor and professor of the former Archbishopric of Salzburg, master of Classicism, considered one of the most influential and outstanding musicians in history.
  • Century of light

  • Beethoven

    Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer, conductor, pianist, and piano teacher. His musical legacy spans, chronologically, from Classicism to the beginnings of Romanticism.