History of Medicine

  • Period: 2600 BCE to 400

    Ancient Times

    In the ancient times medicine was discovered. It was discovered in 2600 B.C
  • 500 BCE


    Alcmaeon was a Greek philosopher and physiologist. What he discovered was the optic nerve. He thought that sensory organs were connected to the brain by channels.
  • 460 BCE


    Hippocrates was knon as the founder of medicine. People considered him as the greatest physician of his time. He also came up with a theory that illness had a physical and rational explanation and the Hippocratic oath.
  • 325 BCE


    Herophilus was a physician that studied the brain and nervous system. He discovered the differences between motor nerves and sensory nerves.
  • 300 BCE


    Diocles was a Greek physician. He wrote the first anatomy book.
  • 130


    Galen studied the theory of Hippocrates and added more to it. He said that illness was caused by an imbalance of the four humors. They are blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile.
  • Period: 400 to 1400

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages were a rough time because people thought diseases were caused by spiritual and superstitious. There was no cures only to prey and rest.
  • 643

    Diabetes Symptoms

    Diabetes Symptoms
    The Chinese physician Chen Ch’üan describes symptoms of diabetes. They would have to taste test your pee to see if they can find a sweet taste because that was the symptom.
  • 910


    Rhazes was a Persian physician in diagnosis and kidney treatments. He discovered alcohol and sulfuric acid.
  • 1000

    Barber Surgeon

    Barber Surgeon
    Barber surgeons would practice bloodletting, cupping, pull teeth, enemas, and cut hair. They served with the military.
  • 1025

    The Cannon of Medicine

    The Cannon of Medicine
    The cannon of medicine was a book of medicine made by Avicenna. It had 5 volumes and it was dominant from the 17th-18th century.
  • 1400


    Midwives used to help pregnant women give birth. This job wasn’t for doctors only midwives.
  • Period: 1400 to


    In the renaissance there was many changes. There was changes in books, medicine, and other things.
  • 1508

    Leonardo De Vinci

    Leonardo De Vinci
    Leonardo De Vinci was an anatomy artist. He dissected 10 corpses by 1508.
  • 1536


    Ambroise Paré was a barber surgeon. He invented many techniques especially in war wounds.
  • 1543


    Anatomy was discovered by Andreas Vesalius. Anatomy corrected many ideas.
  • 1st Microscope

    1st Microscope
    Zacharias Janssen invented the first microscope with his father. He invented it because it was toward the study of microbiology.
  • Blood Cells

    Blood Cells
    Blood cells were discovered by Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek. His observations were more detailed than others.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    In the industrial revolution there was big chsnges because of machines.
  • Aymand

    Claudius Aymand did the first successful appendectomy. He did it on a 11 year old boy.
  • First Vaccine invented

    First Vaccine invented
    Edward Jenner was an English physician and scientist. He bangs vaccinations by using the fluid of cowpox to prevent smallpox.
  • Humphry Davy

    Humphry Davy
    Humphry Davy was a chemist. He discovered potassium.
  • 1st Stethoscope

    1st Stethoscope
    In France René Laenner invented the stethoscope. He invented it because he found it uncomfortable placing his ear in women’s chest to listen to sounds.
  • First successful blood transfusion

    First successful blood transfusion
    Dr. James Blundell did the first successful blood transfusion. He experimented with animals and human blood.
  • Period: to

    Modern Era

    The modern era had rapid changes. All the branches of science and engineering contribute.
  • Anesthesia first used

    Anesthesia first used
    Anesthesia was created by John Collins Warren and Thomas Green Morton. It was first used on October 16, 1846
  • Pasteur

    Louis Posteur was French a biologist, microbiologist, and chemist. He discovered that diseases are caused by germs.
  • X- ray Discovery

    X- ray Discovery
    X-rays we’re discovered by Wihelm Roentgen. He discovered them by experimenting electric currents through gasses at extremely low pressure.
  • Karl Landstier

    Karl Landstier
    Karl Landstier was Australian biologist, physician, and, immunologist. He classified blood into four groups.
  • Discovery of Insulin

    Discovery of Insulin
    Fredrick Banting and Charles H. Best discovered insulin. They found it in a dogs pancreas extract.
  • Insulin first used

    Insulin first used
    Insulin was first on January 11, 1922. It was used to treat diabetes.
  • First Antibiotic

    First Antibiotic
    The first antibiotic was discovered by Alexander Fleming. He discovered penicillin.
  • HeLa Cells

    HeLa Cells
    The HeLa Cells is the oldest used human cell line. They’re split in two. They’ve helped people breakthrough the study of leukemia, herpes, influenza, and other types of genetic diagnosis.
  • First successful organ transplant

    First successful organ transplant
    Joseph E. Murray and his colleagues did the first transplant. They transplanted a kidney.
  • First Telesurgery

    First Telesurgery
    The first telesurgery was on a 68 year old woman. She had a cholecystectomy.