
History of Healthcare

  • 573

    Aurelius Cassiodorus

    Aurelius Cassiodorus
    -Recommended [to the Benedictine Order] the study of Latin to be translations which preserved medicine information.
    - 480-573
  • Sep 1, 1000

    Medicine Wheel

    Medicine Wheel
    It relates the weather to different kinds of sicknesses.
  • Nov 1, 1000


    -Known for his good physician skills.
    -Hippocratic Oath- Oath for doctors to be ethical.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
    BLACK DEATH: Most devastating pandemics in the human history. 1348-1350
    30-60 percent of Europe’s population.
    Took 150 years for Europe to recover.
  • Nov 1, 1439


    Gutenberg was the first European to use movable type printing, in around 1439. Among his many contributions to printing are: the invention of a process for mass-producing movable type; the use of oil-based ink; and the use of a wooden printing press similar to the agricultural screw presses of the period
  • Oct 21, 1498

    da vinci

    da vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci dissect the human body in 1498. In 30 years, Leonardo dissected 30 male and female corpses of different ages. He also studied the inclination of pelvis and sacrum and stressed that sacrum was not uniform, but composed of five vertebrae.
  • Nov 1, 1552

    Ebers' papyrus

    Ebers' papyrus
    The Ebers' papyrus is the oldest preserved medical document. It is written in hieratic script and contains the most complete record of Egyptian medicine known. The papyrus contains chapters on intestinal disease, helminthiasis, ophthalmology, dermatology, gynecology, obstetrics, pregnancy diagnosis, contraception, dentistry, and the surgical treatment of abscesses, tumors, fractures and burns. The Egyptians say that a depressed skull fracture looked like a puncture in a pottery jar.
  • Early 1600's

    Early 1600's
    Middle Age medicine of the 1600's was almost hazardous to your health. People thought that bad hygiene and bad odors made bad health. They believed you got sick from the odors because of sins from the soul. Middle Age medicine was when the knights were alive. They needed a lot of medicine back then because they were always getting wounded by other knights. One of the biggest plagues was the black death
  • Mid 1600's

    Mid 1600's
    Despite being excluded from formal education, women provided many paid services that the public needed, including sick-nursing and wet-nursing, midwifery, minor surgery and general physic. Wet-nursing was unlicensed and remained a casual trade - although a very large one. Midwives were unable to form guilds, but they had to be licensed. In the 1600s midwives such as Louise Bourgeois and Jane Sharp became the first to write about their experiences. However, male practitioners were gradually repla
  • Early 1700's

    Early 1700's
    There was very little of what we think of health care today in the 1700's. There were almost no medicines of any real value. Surgery very commonly resulted in death since they did not understand about germs. A doctor might set a broken leg or sew up a cut, but even these frequently got infected. Amputation of limbs was common. Some medical practices such as bleeding patients often did more harm than good.
  • Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus

    Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus
    The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus is one of the oldest of all known medical papyri, illustrating the teachings of the Father of Medicine Imhotep.The seventeen columns on the recto comprise part of a surgical treatise.This surgical treatise consists exclusively of cases, not recipes. The treatise is systematically organized in an arrangement of cases, which begin with injuries of the head and proceed downward through the body, like a modern treatise on anatomy.
  • Francois Magendie

    Francois Magendie
    he was considered the father of pharmocology• Remembered for his experimental proofs that the posterior roots of the spinal canal carry sensory nerve fibers and the anterior roots are motor nerves.
    • Analyses of the actions of drugs also made him a founder of the discipline of pharmacology.
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    Carla Barton 1881- Founded the American Red Cross
  • Practice of medical asepsis

    Practice of medical asepsis
    Joesph Lister practices medical asepsis
  • Handwashing is important

    Ignaz Semmelweis shows importance of handwashing
  • Elizabeth Blackwell

    Elizabeth Blackwell
    Elizabeth Blackwell 1849- first women physician in the U.S.
  • Cholera outbreak was stopped by John Snow

  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    Florence Nightingale 1860- First nursing school and respectable physician
  • Dorathea Dix

    Dorathea Dix
    Dorothea Dix 1863- Founded the international Red Cross
  • Lillian Wald

    Lillian Wald
    Wald 1893- nurse that visited homes in N.Y.C
  • Louis Pasteur

    Found that by heathing milk bacteria could be killed. Pasturization
  • Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

     Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
    German Physicist Wilhem Conrad Roentgen discovers X-rays
  • Science of Radioactivity is found

    Science of Radioactivity is found
    Marie Curie discovers science of radioactivity
  • Discovers pathogents

    Robert Koch discovers that pathogens can create illnesses
  • Penicillin was discovered

    Penicillin was discovered
    Alexander Fleming discover's penicillin
  • Maggots used to clean wounds

    Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for infectious wound treatment
  • Louis Pasteur Father of Mircobiology

    Pasturize milk
  • Small Pox eradicated

    Small Pox eradicated
    World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated
  • Small Pox Vaccine, the first vaccine

    Small Pox Vaccine, the first vaccine
    Edward Jenner discovered 1st vaccination