
History of disease's.

  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The black death was first discovered in 1348, the bubonic plague the pathogen responsible for the disease was yersinia pestis bacteria.
  • vaccine for smallpox

    vaccine for smallpox
    Edward jenner makes a vaccine against smallpox. He rubs cowpox pus on an 8 yr old and 6 weeks later he exposes him to smallpox that he didn't get.
  • The invention of a vaccination.

    The invention of a vaccination.
    Edward Jenner came up with the idea of vaccination. So for instance if you had caught smallpox you would be injected with the same pathogen as the small pox and you would be cured within a few days.
  • louis pasteur.

    louis pasteur.
    Pasteurization is a process of heating a food, which is usually a liquid, to a specific temperature for a certain length of time and then immediately cooling it after it is removed from the heat. This process reduces amount of bacteria in food.
  • polio

    20 Jun 1952 Polio is a highly contagious disease that is caused by a virus that primarily lives in the intestines and human faces. 21,000 cases of paralytic polio were reported. You can get the disease by traveling to other country's.