History of Britain

  • 55 BCE

    Romans Invasion

    Romans Invasion
  • 1066

    Battle of hastings

    Battle of hastings
    The most important conquest in British history and the last one. In this war the Normans, leaded by Wiliam the Conqueror defeated the Saxons armies.
  • 1215

    Creation of Magna Carta

    Creation of Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was created as a list of rules for good government
  • 1264

    Creation of the parliament

    Creation of the parliament
    In 1264, the lords defeated King Henry at the Battle of Lewes. They rule England for 18 months. However, the monarchy took back the control.
  • 1284

    Conquest of Wales

    Conquest of Wales
    In 1284, the Normans conquered their western neighbours, the Welsh
  • 1534

    Creation of Church of Englandd

    Creation of Church of Englandd
    In 1534, The church of England was created by Henry VIII due to the rejections from the catholic to the king's requests of get married again.
  • Mayflower sails

    Mayflower sails
    The Mayflower was the first boat who travelled the ocean from the British lands to New England, the territory that is currently United States of America. In this boat, there were mainly English Puritans.
  • Scotland joins England and Wales

    Scotland joins England and Wales
    After so many years of avoiding to England and Wales, the scot parliament decides to join England after see the expanding of the English empire.
  • Power to the parlament

    Power to the parlament
    After the death of queen Anne, the only heir to the throne, George didn't want to rule. George became king, however, he left all the important decisions to the politicians.
  • East India Company

    East India Company
    The East India Company was an English company that controlled few ports in the west coast India. In 1756, the East India Company with the help of the British army defeated the Bengali ruler. Since then, India was under control of Britain.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The first cotton mill factory was opened. This fact will be important for the following years to the world.
  • United States Declaration of Independence

    United States Declaration of Independence
    In 1776, United States of America declared independence of United Kingdom.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    One of the battles in Egypt against Spain and France that made the British empire as the most powerful.
  • Period: to

    Irish War of Independence

    In this war, the republic of Ireland gain independence from the United Kingdom. However, it was not the complete territory. In the North, a new country born as a part of the United Kingdom: Northern Ireland.
  • Indian Independence

    Indian Independence
    In this date, India got independence from the British Empire.