History of blood timeline

  • 130


    throught his study of anatomy , succesful treatment of patients , and voluminous writings on the medicine, Claudius Galenus ,known as Galen becomes a very important physicans in history.
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    Aristitle's theory

    Aristitle believs that the heart is the central organ of the body and therefor the seat of the soul.
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    Old theories

    Empedocles a greek philsopher who believs that the organ of sense is the heart and theorizes that all matter is comprimed of four roots earth,water,air,and fire
  • Jan 1, 1200

    first blood flow

    this is when the first blood flow was found and dicovered in the body
  • Aug 22, 1200

    blood flow

    Eminent Cairo physician and author Ibh Al Nafis discovers and describes pulinonary circulation, the flow of the blood to and from the lungs
  • First drawing

    Fabricios the antaomists from Padoa , publishes his work on the values on veins and he does the first drawing of vein values.
  • Small blood cells

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek microscopicts provides a more precise description of the red blood cellls and says that they are 25,000 times smaller than a fine grain of sand.
  • Observation

    Jan Suvammerdam a 21 year old , it through to be the first to observe red blood cells
  • social veins

    Macello Malpighi used a rudimentary microscope , obsevers tha capillary sytem , the networks of the fine vessels that connect to the veins.
  • founders and teachers

    Drs. Richard Lower and Edmund King give Arthur Coga a transfusion of several ounces of sheep blood
  • Famous book

    In his book Experental Enquiry Into The Proporties Of The Bood, British anatomist William Hewson details his research on blood coagulation,
  • human to human trafussions

    A footnote in a medical journal credits Philadelphia physician Philip Syng Physick with performing the first human-to-human blood transfusion, although his work is not published
  • discovery and exploration

    physiologist James Blundell performs the first recorded human-to-human blood transfusion. Using his tools , he injects a patient suffering from internal bleeding with 12 to 14 ounces of blood from several people. The patient dies after initially showing improvement.
  • More blood types

    Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner publishes a paper detailing his discovery of the three main human blood groups -- A, B, and C, which he later changes to O. ABRH+ is later found and so in ABRH-.
  • Blood types

    Dr. Landsteiner's colleagues Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli identify a fourth blood group -- AB -- that causes agglutination in the red cells of both groups "A" and "B."
  • Blood storage

    Rockfeller Institute in New York ,Francis Peyton Rous and J.R Turner devoloped a glucose solution that allows blood to be stored a few weeks after collection and stilll remain viable for transfussion
  • impacts of wars

    Percy Lane Oliver begins operateing on a blood doner service in london, he had also recruited people to work with him 24 hours of the day and would travel to local hospitals to give blood.
  • blood transfusions

    The Soviets are the first to establish a network of facilities to collect and store blood for use in transfusions at hospitals.
  • Blood banks

    Dr. Bernard Fantus coins the term "blood bank" to describe the blood donation, collection, and preservation facility he starts at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, IL, as Director of Therapeutics
  • discoveries

    , Drs. Philip Levine and R.E. Stetson discover an antibody in the blood of a women who has given birth to a stiilborn, and is inheritied from the fatherwich causees the antibody production in the mother
  • Donors

    in this year we had collected over 13 million of the people in the war . Dr. Isidor Ravdin had treated the men that were injured in the attack on pearl harbor.
  • Red Cross starts

    as the alternative to the red Cross blood centers being set up across the country in the postwar period and leads us to the direction of indepenence
  • infection in gays

    The first cases of a syndrome initially called GRID (Gay-related Immunodeficiency Disease), due to its prevalence among gay men, are reported. It is later renamed AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
  • Virus of aids

    Robert Gallo has discovered the virus that caused aids.
  • spread of HIV

    after dozens of peopl are infected with aids from a blood transfussion. the first blood screaning test found presence of the HIV antibodies.
  • Aids is well known spread

    A series of more sensitive tests are developed and implemented to screen donated blood for infectious diseases: two tests that screen for indirect evidence of hepatitis; the Human T-Lymphotropic-Virus-I-antibody (anti-HTLV-I) test; the hepatitis C test; the HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies test.