History final

By Martupi
  • Period: 200 to 300

    Division of the Caroligian Empire

    The empire divided into three parts. Each part was divided into many smaller units called feuds wich were rulle by local lords. Charlemagne´s grandsons signed a treat which confirmed the division of this empire, this was called the Treate of Verdun
  • Period: 200 to 300

    Germanic Invations

    The germanic tribes wanted to entre the Roman Empire and plunder the Empire.
  • 300

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    Barbarian Invations
    The Empire fell.
  • Period: 300 to 476

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    The Empire fell into deep poverty, inflation and corruption.
  • Period: 400 to


    The characteristics were:
    Ruralization: people went to live to the countryisde.
    Farming was the main activity.
    Mix of Roman and Germanic cultures.
    Christianity was the only religion.
    The pope had religious and political power.
    There was territorial fragmentation: samll kingdoms.
  • Period: 476 to Oct 31, 1400

    Middle Ages

    It was a period of invations of the Vikings. In this period people lived and worked in a manor. This was a place with a palace, were the lord lived; arround the castle, there was a pesants village were the workers lived. The workers had to work the lands, and care of the animals.
    In order to pretect the fertility of the lands, they create a three years rotation system. It was a way of harvesting the lands. They planted and harvest a land for three years, then they moved to another filed.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
  • Period: Nov 14, 1100 to Nov 14, 1400

    Crusades of the Middle Ages

    Arab Muslims had conquered the Holly Land in 638, but the Christians were allowed to visit places associeted with life of Jesus. In the 11th century, the Muslims swept into the Middle East. By 1089 they had gained control of Jerusalem and were threatening to conquer Constantinople. In 1905 the Pope urged thousands of lords and knights to become crusaders. This means that the Christians should fight the Muslims and regain the Middle East for Christianity. As a resul there was more fragmentation.
  • Nov 2, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta is a document that John was forced to sign.
    It had three basic principles:
    •The law is above the king.•The king is forced to obey the law.•There is equal justice under the law.
  • Period: Nov 7, 1400 to


    Was the rebirth of the Greco-Roman Culture. It started in Italy in the city-sates of Milan, Genova, Venice and Florence. It was cultural movement.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1400 to Nov 20, 1500

    Reformation and Counter Reformation

  • Period: Nov 20, 1400 to


  • Nov 2, 1431

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    She was a country girl who had visions of saint calling her to get rid of England. As she was tried as a witch, she was finally burnt.
  • Period: Nov 19, 1492 to

    Exploration of America

  • Nov 21, 1492

    The End of the Reconquista

    The End of the Reconquista
    This was a military process of recoving lands - Crusades
    Because of Reconquista, England, France, Spain and Portugal consolidate monarchies
  • Period: Nov 21, 1550 to


    A appealed to Europeans in the 17th century because the long years of warefare in Europe between 1550 and 1650 brought many changes in european society and politics and led to the new political system in Europes nations. In Livithon, hobbes claimed that human beings needed absolutism because he thought that human beings were greedy.
  • Period: to Nov 2, 1200

    National Monarchies

    •A nation is a group of people occupying the same country, under the same goverment and usually speaking tha same language.•William the conqueror won the battle of Hastings and introduced a new type of Anglo-Saxon system of government and the centralized feudalism.
    •The parliament is a group of nobles, members of the elergy and representatives of the king.•The Hundred Years' Was was won by France.
    •Spain became a nation because of the Reconquista.
    •Italy and Germany failed to build nations.