History penryn 1

History Class Timeline 2016-2017

By Helmick
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    It was made to give people the right of independence, Happiness, and life.Also to protect the people from the government.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    A land between the United States and France in which the U.S got 827,000 land approximately. This was on the land west of the Mississippi River. It cost them $15 million.
  • Lewis And Clark Journey West

    Lewis and Clark were sent out west to find new species and to create a map. When adventuring they found the main source of the Missouri river.
  • The Texas War For Independence

    When colonists of the Mexican province rebelled against the centralist Mexican Government.
  • The Alamo

    Mexican troops under the general presidents care launches and assault on the Alamo missions. This killed all of the Texian Defenders.
  • The Trail Of Tears

    It was part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy. The Cherokee nation was told to give up there land East of the Mississippi river and move to an area in present day Oklahoma.
  • The Mexican American War

    When Mexico passed the United States boundary. They invaded out territory and shed American blood.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The gold rush was the year when gold was first discovered. It was found by James W. Marshall.
  • Attack On Fort Sumter

    Attack On Fort Sumter
    Confederate guns opened fire on Fort Sumter which started the Civil War. They got attacked for 34 hours straight until they finally surrendered.
  • Gettysburg Adress

    Gettysburg Adress
    This was the speech that President Lincoln gave. He praised the bravery that the union of the soldiers had.
  • Death Of Abraham Lincoln

    Death Of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln died from assassination. He was the 16th president of the United States.
  • Titanic

    The titanic sunk after hitting an iceberg on its voyage. There was about 1,500 people that were killed because of this accident.
  • Brown Vs. The Board Of Education

    Brown Vs. The Board Of Education
    This is when colored people were told that they could not be mixed with the whites. And then there was a court hearing that declared blacks to get the same rights as whites.
  • ''I Have A Dream'' Speech

    ''I Have A Dream'' Speech
    Martin Luther King Jr. made a speech for his kids to not be judged by the color of there skin but, by the content of there character. He didn't want skin color to matter.
  • The Death Of Elvis

    The Death Of Elvis
    Elvis Presley died from a heart attack. He was a famous singer and well known and loved by many.
  • 9/11

    On this day there were 2 planes that crashed into the twin towers. Many people were killed during this attack.
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    On this day I was born.