Historical Timeline

  • The Russo-Japanese War

    Japan and Russia competed for control for of Korea and Manchuria. They signed many agreements for the territories, but Russia broke them. Japan then attacked Russia for breaking the agreements.
  • Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905

    200,000 people rioted for better working conditions and more personal freedom. Then as a response Nicholas II’s generals ordered to fire on the crowd. Over 1,000 people were killed.
  • Duma

    Russia's first parliament
  • WW1: The Final Blow

    Nicholas II dragged Russia into WWI. Russia was very unprepared for this decision so their army was weak and lacked of resources.
  • The March Revolution

    200,000 workers rioted throughout Petrograd shouting,”Down with the autocracy!” and “Down with the war!”. Soldiers obeyed orders to shoot down the protesters at first, but then later sided with them.
  • The Provisional Gov. Topples

    Armed factory workers stormed into the Winter Palace in Petrograd. They called themselves “Bolshevik Red Guards” and they took over the government officials and arrested the leaders.
  • Bolsheviks in Power

    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia gave a large portion of its territory to Germany and its allies.
  • New Economic Policy

    Lenin resorted to a small-scale of capitalism. This allowed peasants to sell their surplus of crops instead of giving them to the government.
  • Civil War Rages in Russia

    14 million Russians died. Civil war between the White Army and the Red Army. Red Army was victorious.
  • Political Reforms

    Bolsheviks saw nationalism as a threat to unity. In order to keep nationalism in check Lenin organized Russia into several self governing republics.
  • Beer hall Putsch

    Hitler and the Nazis planned to kidnap the leaders of the Bavarian gov and force them at gunpoint so they would accept Hitler as their leader. There was going to be many businessmen in a Munich beer hall and some of the guests were the victims that Hitler was planning to kidnap.