foreign policy events since the vietnam war pineapple

  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Iraq transferred a squadron of hunter jets to Egypt.
  • Helsinli Accords

    Helsinli Accords
    Was the final act of the conference on sercurity and co-operation in europe.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    signed by egypt and israel.
  • Ayatollah Khomeine Comes to power in iran

    Ayatollah Khomeine Comes to power in iran
    Took over power in iran in 1979.
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis

    Iranian Hostage Crisis
    A diplomatic crisis between iran and the united states where 52 americans were held hostage for 444 days from november 4, 1972.
  • US invasion of Lebanon

    US invasion of Lebanon
    The reason given by israeli leaders for the attack into Lebanon was to root out the Palestine Liberation Arm and stop their terrorist attacks into israel.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    Program responsible for research and development of a space-based systems to defends the nature from attack.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    Arrangement in the 1980 to provide funds to the Nicaragua conta rebels from profit.
  • INF Treaty

    INF Treaty
    A 1987 agreement between the united states and the soviet union.
  • Fall of the Berline Wall

    Fall of the Berline Wall
    seperated west from east and became a symbol of the cold war.