First Nations and First Contacts

  • Jan 1, 1100

    The Norse Arrive

    The Norse Arrive
    in what is now called newfoundland and labador, beothuk people live in it before it was found. near the year 1100, strangers cameon their land the people were called norse. They arived in ships. [they were called norse and called vikings these days.).They came to because they wanted to trade with others. in the beginning the norse traded peacefully with the Beothuk, soon they started to battle. soon the norse left newfoundland.
    for more info look in the grade 6 nelson letrecy book.
  • Jan 2, 1497

    Cobat Lands on North America

    Cobat Lands on North America
    In 1497, an italian explorer called John Cobat landed somewhere on north americain coast. He came in a ship. they came and traded with the people in canada. The english king Sent him to explore the land on the other side of the atlantic. He came back to the north america but his ship was lost so he was never heard from again.
  • Jan 3, 1534

    Cartier explores Eastern Canada

    Cartier explores Eastern Canada
    In 1534 a french exploer Jaques Chartier set out to find a water route across North america to the pacific ocean. he used a ship to get there. That would be a faster way for the trading ships to reach asia. On his first voyage Chartier explored the gulf of st. lawrence.during his trvels he made contact with two first nation groups, the "mikamaq" and the "haudenosaunee" [iroqois]. they traded their furs for knives and iron goods. he realized that the land was rich with natral resources.
  • Jan 3, 1534

    cartier explores eastern canada continued

    cartier explores eastern canada continued
    he put a flag on the land to claim it to france. the leader Donnacona relized and became very angry. cartier convinced him that it will help him find his way back. he took two other people to france. then he came back for nine others and also adding donnacona and died while in france.
    look in nelson literacy for gr.6s for more info.
  • Champlain brings french settlers

    Champlain brings french settlers
    in 1603 champlain sailed to north america and travelled up to St. lawrence river. he used a ship to get there. he did not find a route to asia. Champlain returned with 80 french settlers and spent the winter there they were not prepared and almost 40 of them died. in spring of 1605 champlain found nova scotia. in 1608 Champlain built a fort which is now the senter of fur trade.
    for more info look in the grade 6 nelson letrecy book.
  • henry hudson goes to canada.

    henry hudson goes to canada.</a>Hudson was then hired by the Dutch East India Company In 1609, he try to find the Northwest Passage farther south. On this trip in a ship called the Half Moon, Hudson sailed to Nova Scotia, and then sailed south. He found what is now called the Hudson River. Hudson is credited with discovering the location which is now New York City (although da Verrazzano had previously sailed by the area in 1524). Hudson sailed into New York's
  • henry hudson goes to canada Continued

    henry hudson goes to canada Continued
    harbor on September 3, 1609 and noted what an excellent harbor it was. Hudson sailed up the river about 150 miles (240 km) and noted the abundance of rich land, but realized that this was not a waterway to India. His reports resulted in many Dutch settlements in the area.
  • samuel hearne comes to canada

    samuel hearne comes to canada
    in 1769 his guides left on a trip to coppermine river. Then the leader of the chipewyans Matonabbee saved him. After that he served his guides and friend for many years.Hearne's third trip was his longest and most famous. In 1771 he set off to Coppermine river again with Matonabbee. They were searching for copper and other minerals. For more info go to: